It's Friday, I didn;t get my hair done, niether for my birthday on Sunday or the silly baptism I have to go to on the same day, thanks to sickouts and a full work week. I haven't figured what to wear either; the fact of the matter is I haven't stepped ina church on a Sunday in a few years. Oddly enough, liek the last time, this one is a Catholic church (I'm not catholic, btw)
I also now have atleast two weddings to go to this year. Both are probably out of state....there goes my vacation. I'm sick of being the single one. I'm looking to be the LAST single person I know. What a jip.
Things are finally looking up however: I actually have my own [mail] route comming.
Big deal you say? [If anything?]
<deafening silence>
Hellz yes!
It's my own-ALL MINE- piece of territory that I don't have to share, don't have to folow in the footsteps of another carrier and be hardly unknown and don't have to worry about some other person causing chaos to my customers. A sweet piece ..or is it, peace of mind-not mentioning it also ends my torturous weeks of overtime repeated endlessly, too.
Not that it doesn't have it's minuses. It's time cut, which means a paycut. That wouldn't be so bad if I wasn't obligated to provide my own vehicle to deliver it. That's honestly though less of a big deal that it sounds. I CAN afford it, I was looking for a second vehicle ( I can't haul shit in the bug as is) and I can revel in my personal space instead of languish in a seldom cleaned, ricked govt leased postal vehicle.
Most of all,it stabilizes my schedule, and while I'm working 6 days a week until god knows when (minus vacation) it's only 5-6 hrs a day.
So hurray for me.
I also now have atleast two weddings to go to this year. Both are probably out of state....there goes my vacation. I'm sick of being the single one. I'm looking to be the LAST single person I know. What a jip.
Things are finally looking up however: I actually have my own [mail] route comming.
Big deal you say? [If anything?]
<deafening silence>
Hellz yes!
It's my own-ALL MINE- piece of territory that I don't have to share, don't have to folow in the footsteps of another carrier and be hardly unknown and don't have to worry about some other person causing chaos to my customers. A sweet piece ..or is it, peace of mind-not mentioning it also ends my torturous weeks of overtime repeated endlessly, too.
Not that it doesn't have it's minuses. It's time cut, which means a paycut. That wouldn't be so bad if I wasn't obligated to provide my own vehicle to deliver it. That's honestly though less of a big deal that it sounds. I CAN afford it, I was looking for a second vehicle ( I can't haul shit in the bug as is) and I can revel in my personal space instead of languish in a seldom cleaned, ricked govt leased postal vehicle.
Most of all,it stabilizes my schedule, and while I'm working 6 days a week until god knows when (minus vacation) it's only 5-6 hrs a day.
So hurray for me.