Holy long F'ing time since my last post! So anyhow. As I was driving my extra long drive to work like I do everyday I got stuck behind a McDonalds Semi-truck with a giant ad for some new McFlurry flavor. My question is this: If you were offered a Blizzard from DQ or a McFlurry from McDonalds which one would you take? I mean WTF is a McFlurry? So some jackass is sitting there in the McDonalds board room and tosses out this great idea for McDonalds hot creation of Ice Cream and candy blended together,
First Jackass in Board Room: "I've got it jeeves! Let's call it the Flurry!!!!"
Second Jackass in Board Room(Jeeves): "We need to put some umph in the name, think guys think."
Third Jackass in Board Room: "OH MAN! LET'S CALL IT THE MC-FLURRY!"
Second Jackass: "I think you've got it! That's way better than "the blizzard""
It's like what the hell? Blizzard is a winter storm with ass loads of snow, that would paint the picture of a cup chock full of ice cream. Then there is a Flurry, not even a storm, it's like five fucking snow flakes falling from the sky, mmmm I have a cup that has a little bit of ice cream in the bottom. OH DAMN, McDonalds your marketing always seems so genius, *COUGH*i'm lovin' it*COUGH*
In other news.....
I got my Tattoo finished a handful of weeks ago and it looks great. If you are in Minnesota I highly recommend going to Cactus Tattoo in Mankato, they never cease to amaze. I also created a new profile on myspace for a side music project I have been working on for over a year. I go by the name WTF, it's mostly Hardcore Techno and Breakcore the catch is that it's created mostly on a Nintendo Gameboy and/or DS Lite. Check out my new page at WTF With that said, head on over there, check it out, perform a friend request and get your ears fucked by the sounds of me
First Jackass in Board Room: "I've got it jeeves! Let's call it the Flurry!!!!"
Second Jackass in Board Room(Jeeves): "We need to put some umph in the name, think guys think."
Third Jackass in Board Room: "OH MAN! LET'S CALL IT THE MC-FLURRY!"
Second Jackass: "I think you've got it! That's way better than "the blizzard""
It's like what the hell? Blizzard is a winter storm with ass loads of snow, that would paint the picture of a cup chock full of ice cream. Then there is a Flurry, not even a storm, it's like five fucking snow flakes falling from the sky, mmmm I have a cup that has a little bit of ice cream in the bottom. OH DAMN, McDonalds your marketing always seems so genius, *COUGH*i'm lovin' it*COUGH*
In other news.....
I got my Tattoo finished a handful of weeks ago and it looks great. If you are in Minnesota I highly recommend going to Cactus Tattoo in Mankato, they never cease to amaze. I also created a new profile on myspace for a side music project I have been working on for over a year. I go by the name WTF, it's mostly Hardcore Techno and Breakcore the catch is that it's created mostly on a Nintendo Gameboy and/or DS Lite. Check out my new page at WTF With that said, head on over there, check it out, perform a friend request and get your ears fucked by the sounds of me

I'm hardcore now!

hello mister head.