Hi everyone/anyone who reads this after my Ludite rant. I shouldn't expect everything to be easy course.
I am going to see Maximo Park tomorrow at the Birmingham Acadamy with some of my friends. Tim my bandmate, Max and Didi maybe others. Max got made redundant last month and he couldn't afford to go so I bought him Didi (his girlfriend) tickets.
share the love. He spent all his redundancy on a Epiphone Les Paul Custom in white with gold trim he said he deampt about it for days after he saw it so it must be destiny I cant say I blame him apart from Epiphone not Gibson but Gibbo Les Paul customs expensive I reckon hes gonna look like The Darkness when hes on stage now. Go to his bands (My Marilyn) website go to a gig they are tops My Marilyn .
Im skint as usual I wish I had loads of money I would love to go round handing out presents in the street.
Thanks for reading this you are of course fabulous pat yourself on the back and bask in your greatness you lovely people!
Cheers Zed
I am going to see Maximo Park tomorrow at the Birmingham Acadamy with some of my friends. Tim my bandmate, Max and Didi maybe others. Max got made redundant last month and he couldn't afford to go so I bought him Didi (his girlfriend) tickets.

Im skint as usual I wish I had loads of money I would love to go round handing out presents in the street.
Thanks for reading this you are of course fabulous pat yourself on the back and bask in your greatness you lovely people!
Cheers Zed
Hey hey!
The Bam sex tape is fantasic :oD I have no idea whats up with the AP thing
I don't get it. Does it not come up at all? I shall go and check what's up with AP. I think you may get a gift from your wishlist