Fucking technology is crap I just spent 35 minutes of my life wasting time on Fucking technology. My mum goes on holiday asks me to tape her favourite program which I cant because the two videos in the house are CRAP one will only record badly ITV and 4 and the other get 4 only the fact that theres about 700 of tv video dvd and cable all of which allow me to tape two at best channels which I dont need. Can I sue Mr Hitatchi for the imesurable mental damage this will cause me due to the length of ear bashing I will get from my mother let alone the radiation from the inevitable mobile phone call and length of which is bound to be sustained as I try to explain to my ludite mother why it wouldnt work. Not only this but for the past 3 months I have been working on some music which I got round to be ready for posting on the page and you Fing guessed it I cant because this worn out piece of shit for a computer (which incidentally is my girlfriends because my computer (which did hear music and was more advanced) was thrown away because hers broke so I slaved her hard drive to mine and in fixing hers mine died forever) wont hear it it doesnt care that Im pouring my heart into these songs it doesnt care about the hours of beeding fingers and aching joints and lugging of amps guitars and everything else you can possibly imagine all it does is sit there and play chuffing silence back at me and at best when I boost the signal all I get is a highly distorted noise akin to a mosquito farting down a stadium microphone. Now before the video fiasco I was about to record a new song but whats the point especially with my limited budget all I can afford is a tape 4 track which wont allow me to record drums and guitar together. Whyyyyyyyyyyyyy for the love of "insert deity".
All the same thanks for reading / being intimidated.
P.S. I am skint cos I bought a bow and arrows, samick - one piece hunter cost me ~200. just in case anyone wondered about my fiscal security.

All the same thanks for reading / being intimidated.
P.S. I am skint cos I bought a bow and arrows, samick - one piece hunter cost me ~200. just in case anyone wondered about my fiscal security.

PPS if someone could lend me a real (analogue??) studio for a day/night-time I would offer any favour they wish well...almost. I have engineer available one need to record 4 songs.
Well thank you lol. I feel i must send you something in return!!