Hey hello people I am back from the honeymoon.
Corsica is a beautiful granite block off the coast of Italy and France. It sits in the Mediterranean and is surrounded by clear azure seas and thats where the similarity with the guide books kind of trails off. It rained for 2 and a half days and the roads are the twistyest in the world so it takes forever to get places. The locals always greet you with a smile and all seem very friendly especially to us Brits because they are used to meeting French and Germans the UK has only just 'discovered' the place despite it only being a couple of hours away. This also means that no one speaks much English, ok we stumbled on a 1 girl who had lived in Canada and one man from Lyon who wanted to practice his English but these were at expensive restaurants the kind you can't afford to go to very often. We visited Filitosa where we saw these guys:
Impressive for a little place.
Anyways other than the rain and the difficulty in the language (which we remembered enough of to get by) it was absolutely amazingly wonderful but obviously with the rain I didn't get much of a tan.
Then I got back and have done a hell of a lot of gardening and stuff around the household. I ache now but its worth it, I have a tennis elbow from cutting the 5 foot tall grass on the lawn with a strimmer, the only thing that would cut stuff that high.
I finished the Da Vinci Code on holday its good but really its not that great I don't know why theres so much hype I wouldn't really reccomend it to everybody on site its just a take it or leave it thing.
Learning Japanese again now. The uphill task starts again of packing and moving out.
70 odd days till the big big moving to Tokyo day.
TRa kids, Cheers Zeb
P.S. Nice new look site SG good work you!
Corsica is a beautiful granite block off the coast of Italy and France. It sits in the Mediterranean and is surrounded by clear azure seas and thats where the similarity with the guide books kind of trails off. It rained for 2 and a half days and the roads are the twistyest in the world so it takes forever to get places. The locals always greet you with a smile and all seem very friendly especially to us Brits because they are used to meeting French and Germans the UK has only just 'discovered' the place despite it only being a couple of hours away. This also means that no one speaks much English, ok we stumbled on a 1 girl who had lived in Canada and one man from Lyon who wanted to practice his English but these were at expensive restaurants the kind you can't afford to go to very often. We visited Filitosa where we saw these guys:

Impressive for a little place.
Anyways other than the rain and the difficulty in the language (which we remembered enough of to get by) it was absolutely amazingly wonderful but obviously with the rain I didn't get much of a tan.
Then I got back and have done a hell of a lot of gardening and stuff around the household. I ache now but its worth it, I have a tennis elbow from cutting the 5 foot tall grass on the lawn with a strimmer, the only thing that would cut stuff that high.
I finished the Da Vinci Code on holday its good but really its not that great I don't know why theres so much hype I wouldn't really reccomend it to everybody on site its just a take it or leave it thing.
Learning Japanese again now. The uphill task starts again of packing and moving out.

TRa kids, Cheers Zeb

P.S. Nice new look site SG good work you!
glad to hear you had an awesome honeymoon, it sounds like it was the shit,
as for the gardening, damn, i had to do some with my dad, we have had an offer on the house as we are selling up and were now sold subject to contract, or whatever the hell it is, and so yea, we had to do the gardening, shit, i wish i only got tennis elbow, i have blisters like golfballs, an aching back, legs and arms, i helped a tree surgeon attack out 50ft tree, we now have a 2ft stump, he let me hold rope while he sawed it off, he even let me use a chainsaw, well for like 2 seconds, and it wasnt the coool big one, it was like those tiny ones, i cut off a branch about as thick as my arm, i think he saw the look of delight in my eyes as he gave it me, he was like hey, cut that branch off right there, you can use that saw, and i think my face then instantly changed to satanic, so he was like, errrm....yea good job, now put it down, damn, i was so halfway to the house for that sweeet leather mask ive been saving,
also whats this about a big move to tokyo, what the hell, does that mean your going to live in tokyo??? i misss everything, its probably cos im shit at updating on this place, haha
well yea, i think im commented out, fuck thats a big one ......