I'll be leaving the site in two weeks. March 18th I'll be having major surgery, and won't be able to work, and thus won't be able to pay for the site.

I'll proabably be off the site for at least two months. The real drags are that I won't get to pay $6.95 a month anymore, and my mebership in oldskoolSG will be compromised.

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i hope everything goes well with your surgery...don't take too long to recover and come back to the site.
yiikes! i hope that everything goes well. going under is a scary thing. i hope it all goes smoothly and that whatever was wrong is made better.
I didn't realize Six Feet Under was starting again this Sunday until I saw it on the cover of TV Guide. I've been trying to avoid anything death-themed lately, but I'll have to watch.
I've never seen that..
Tonight at work I anticpate lots of phone calls asking me what "Derrida" is about. It's the type of movie where either you want to see it or you don't, and there's nothing I could say to sell you on it.

Tomorrow, Russian Ark coupled with Spike & Mike.
I'm interested in people whose level of self-absorption is equal to my own.
what level is that?
Very high.
Damn. We waited too long to get our little kitty fixed and now she's in heat. It's the worst. Our older male cat is fixed, he tries his hardest to fuck her, but it just doesn't work.
I love "the cat's meow", I saw it at a special premier a couple years back and got to talk to the director. too bad eddie wasn't there...
And I thought February was turning out to be better than January...

Today one of my VCRs broke, for good. I have two, because I often need to tape two shows that are on at the same time. For example, tomorrow I'll need to tape Buffy and Gilmore Girls at the same time. First VCR I ever bought, I've had it since 1998.

Talked to...
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I have five different versions of Trivial Pursuit, and no one to play them with.
ha! guess that makes me and sean and joyce super special. next time she comes in, you should give her a sg sticker, tell her it's from eve.
...my master plan of seducing carrie brownstein just might be accomplished!
Oh yeah, well I have NO versions of trivial persuit, and even if i did, no one would play them with me frown
Stoicism has served me well. I often feel like I can endure anything.
Whose plans for the near future include having part of their aorta replaced? Mine do.

I'll probably be leaving the site pretty soon. I'll be recovering from surgery and unable to work, and thus unable to pay the SG bill. It's a pity, I've been a member for a year now. Hopefully I'll be back.
Cat Scans fucking suck.
i fell asleep in an MRI machine once. and when they radioed me in the machine to wake up i hit my head on the top of the tunnel. ooops?
yes, but do you know where to PUT the love?

and yes, they do suck.