ok. so i'm coming to the end of an era i think. i've recently broken up with my boyfriend, and i'm coming to the end of school shortly.
over the past few years, i've developed a shopping addiction. it's not as bad as it could be, but it definitely prevents me from any savings. so, i'm going to sell all of my shit. all of it (with the exception of 2 suitcases of clothes). and start living simple again. i miss that. it's sort of like in fight club, when edward norton as brad pitt blows up his fucking apartment. only i don't have DID and i'm just going to have a sidewalk sale.
and then i'm going to move into my friends basement. which is no bigger than 8' x 10' maybe. and going to pay cheap ass rent. and i'll be living with two of the craziest, most fun dudes i've met. i think it's going to be fucking awesome. so, i'll do that for like a couple months until i'm done with cosmetology school and take my state board tests.
after that, it's puerto rico. it'll be fall time, and it'll start getting cold in philadelphia. i HATE the fucking cold. it puts me in a foul fucking mood. and it's like, i moved to this city for adventure and to meet new people. but i've been here for almost 4 years and i feel like i've done everything, met everyone, and now i need to move on. and i really fucking love this city, but it has nothing more to offer me. i think that once im done with life adventures and i'm ready to settle down, it'll be in philly. but i'm 22 years old, and i want to live in puerto rico, damn it.
over the past few years, i've developed a shopping addiction. it's not as bad as it could be, but it definitely prevents me from any savings. so, i'm going to sell all of my shit. all of it (with the exception of 2 suitcases of clothes). and start living simple again. i miss that. it's sort of like in fight club, when edward norton as brad pitt blows up his fucking apartment. only i don't have DID and i'm just going to have a sidewalk sale.
and then i'm going to move into my friends basement. which is no bigger than 8' x 10' maybe. and going to pay cheap ass rent. and i'll be living with two of the craziest, most fun dudes i've met. i think it's going to be fucking awesome. so, i'll do that for like a couple months until i'm done with cosmetology school and take my state board tests.
after that, it's puerto rico. it'll be fall time, and it'll start getting cold in philadelphia. i HATE the fucking cold. it puts me in a foul fucking mood. and it's like, i moved to this city for adventure and to meet new people. but i've been here for almost 4 years and i feel like i've done everything, met everyone, and now i need to move on. and i really fucking love this city, but it has nothing more to offer me. i think that once im done with life adventures and i'm ready to settle down, it'll be in philly. but i'm 22 years old, and i want to live in puerto rico, damn it.
