For a website that thrives on and depends on free expression to exist, there sure are a lot of rules about what you can and can not say. Apparently you only get free speech until somebody (usually a SG) decides that you are creepy or whatever, then you can just shut your whore mouth and don't offend anybody.
More Blogs
Wednesday Jul 07, 2010
Vaginal tattooing... please don't do it. Just don't. It rarely works … -
Sunday Jun 27, 2010
Riversex and whiskey all day long! Hell yeah. -
Friday Dec 11, 2009
I think that SG is running out of good SG names. We're starting to se… -
Friday Aug 21, 2009
Update time boys and girls... We're all moved into our new place in … -
Monday Apr 27, 2009
shit. entire post was just lost. fuck. i had a good rant going too. *… -
Tuesday Apr 21, 2009
For a website that thrives on and depends on free expression to exist… -
Tuesday May 20, 2008
Seattle has a whole lot of churches. Churches everywhere. Also religi… -
Sunday May 04, 2008
Life in the red state goes on... Went to Jazzfest on Saturday. It … -
Tuesday Apr 29, 2008
So we made it to Baton Rouge. Been here a few months now. Its ok. Not… -
Sunday Dec 23, 2007
I was informed that I need to update. So here it is... So there is…