Ok so since yesterday there has been about 3 different posts I could have madeso ill just start from the beginning.
So I get home realize Ive lost my phone and freak out. One of my friends (later I found out about 6 of my friends) calls my phone, the bus driver picks up and tells them that I can pick up the phone after 8:30 pm at the bus depot.
So I go, alone, around 9pm to find this bus depot. Its a little creepy and raining and dark but I find the place. Its a huge bus graveyard. I wander in some buildings and instantly wish I had a camera and a friend to experience the enormousness and old-school ness of this place. There are train tracks running down the middle of a huuuuge warehouse. There are these suuuper old trolleys and half taken apart trains and such everywhere. Very cool. Im laughing at myself and I have a huge smile on my face because I have seemed to get myself in the most bizarre places lately. So I finally find the building for the bus drivers and I go in. Everyone looks at me like a crazy white girl.
I dont have no phone he neva dropped it off with me ugh uh sorry theres nothing I can do for you I cant take your information, we dont call no one maybe he dropped it off at the other station which is closed till Monday.sorry
On my way home I decide that the glass really is always half fucking full (according to SICKINGW4) So I make a list:
Reasons why Im happy I wont have a phone for the weekend:
1. I will be saving energy
2. Its a good excuse to get out of anything I dont feel like doing
3. No one will call me and wake me up while Im sleeping
4. I will have an abundance of text messages and voice mails when I get it back
(the funny thing is that i didnt even have a cell phone up till 1.5 years ago...but i did have a land line so...)
On my way home my stupid cough starts to come back and I realize that I have again lost my grip on the sleep that I thought I hadI cant go another night with out sleeping. So I stop at the liquor store to kill two birds with one stone. When I was a teenager, my mom gave me shots of rum and honey when I had a cough. It always put me to sleep and seemed to work so I figured id give it a go. It put me to sleep, but I think i over did it cause now I have a headache.oh well I slept!!
So, I wake up in the AM with an email from a friend who said that he received a phone call from a woman on my phone telling him that I could now come pick up my phone. Ooook. Sweet.
I had reservations for a rental car to get shit ready for Ireland and to move all my crap out of studio. So I spent a while driving around, a little lost, but happy, and laughing at myself doing circles around the city. Im much better at getting around Boston on a bike I think !
So I got my phone. Yay. Got a whole shit load of stuff done. Double yay. Have a headache, boo. My roommate just got in the shower when I was about too (second time thats happened today, double boo. Um life is good, yay.
So I get home realize Ive lost my phone and freak out. One of my friends (later I found out about 6 of my friends) calls my phone, the bus driver picks up and tells them that I can pick up the phone after 8:30 pm at the bus depot.
So I go, alone, around 9pm to find this bus depot. Its a little creepy and raining and dark but I find the place. Its a huge bus graveyard. I wander in some buildings and instantly wish I had a camera and a friend to experience the enormousness and old-school ness of this place. There are train tracks running down the middle of a huuuuge warehouse. There are these suuuper old trolleys and half taken apart trains and such everywhere. Very cool. Im laughing at myself and I have a huge smile on my face because I have seemed to get myself in the most bizarre places lately. So I finally find the building for the bus drivers and I go in. Everyone looks at me like a crazy white girl.
I dont have no phone he neva dropped it off with me ugh uh sorry theres nothing I can do for you I cant take your information, we dont call no one maybe he dropped it off at the other station which is closed till Monday.sorry
On my way home I decide that the glass really is always half fucking full (according to SICKINGW4) So I make a list:
Reasons why Im happy I wont have a phone for the weekend:
1. I will be saving energy
2. Its a good excuse to get out of anything I dont feel like doing
3. No one will call me and wake me up while Im sleeping
4. I will have an abundance of text messages and voice mails when I get it back
(the funny thing is that i didnt even have a cell phone up till 1.5 years ago...but i did have a land line so...)
On my way home my stupid cough starts to come back and I realize that I have again lost my grip on the sleep that I thought I hadI cant go another night with out sleeping. So I stop at the liquor store to kill two birds with one stone. When I was a teenager, my mom gave me shots of rum and honey when I had a cough. It always put me to sleep and seemed to work so I figured id give it a go. It put me to sleep, but I think i over did it cause now I have a headache.oh well I slept!!
So, I wake up in the AM with an email from a friend who said that he received a phone call from a woman on my phone telling him that I could now come pick up my phone. Ooook. Sweet.
I had reservations for a rental car to get shit ready for Ireland and to move all my crap out of studio. So I spent a while driving around, a little lost, but happy, and laughing at myself doing circles around the city. Im much better at getting around Boston on a bike I think !
So I got my phone. Yay. Got a whole shit load of stuff done. Double yay. Have a headache, boo. My roommate just got in the shower when I was about too (second time thats happened today, double boo. Um life is good, yay.
The bus graveyard sounds awesome. If I were there (oh, but I'm not
) I would grab you and my camera, and after I was done grabbing you
we would go to the busyard and take fantastically interesting pictures.

No train graveyard here in FL (that I know of...). Stupid FL loses to MA once more. : (