The room is almost clean. ALMOST..
If I made a pact with myself to turn my computer off for 6 hours a day, I would get so much more done. Maybe I should start doing that actually. At least until I get back from Ireland so I can get every thing ready for the trip
What did I do for memorial day weekend nuthin.
You know what is weird to me? I guess its the age gapbut ill really like a band ill listen to the album 35 times and be totally obsessed with them and then decide to google them so that I can see what they look like or get a picture for itunes. And then when I see what they look like Im always shocked. Do these people spend $1000 at hot topic before the photoshoot? My god they look like they are 17 years old. Whats with the bangs combed over one eye? Eyeliner? Fuck they make me feel old. I love your music stop looking so dorky!
I started reading life of pi last night. Anyone read it? So far so good. I have a stack of books next to my bed to read. This is the first thing I have enjoyed about being out of school. I have time to read.
Wyatt accidentally stole my U-lock for my bike and went to NH with it. I had to do all my errands by foot yesterday. Not cool.
Hmm, ok thats all I have to report.

If I made a pact with myself to turn my computer off for 6 hours a day, I would get so much more done. Maybe I should start doing that actually. At least until I get back from Ireland so I can get every thing ready for the trip
What did I do for memorial day weekend nuthin.
You know what is weird to me? I guess its the age gapbut ill really like a band ill listen to the album 35 times and be totally obsessed with them and then decide to google them so that I can see what they look like or get a picture for itunes. And then when I see what they look like Im always shocked. Do these people spend $1000 at hot topic before the photoshoot? My god they look like they are 17 years old. Whats with the bangs combed over one eye? Eyeliner? Fuck they make me feel old. I love your music stop looking so dorky!
I started reading life of pi last night. Anyone read it? So far so good. I have a stack of books next to my bed to read. This is the first thing I have enjoyed about being out of school. I have time to read.
Wyatt accidentally stole my U-lock for my bike and went to NH with it. I had to do all my errands by foot yesterday. Not cool.
Hmm, ok thats all I have to report.

I'm so disappointed.
Come on now, show some self-control and be a glowing icon of inspiration to all of us. 

While the rest of America was out camping and barbequing and playing frisbee and shit, it's nice to know that there's at least one other person beside myself who did jack this weekend. Slacking loves company.