Things that get me through long studio hours:
1. My Ipod (this weeks repeats)
A: Little Yellow Box
B: The Blood Brothers
C: Desaparecidos
D: Bullet Train to Vegas
2. Mountain Dew Amps (energy drink)
3. Text Messaging
4. Getting messages from cute people on SG
5. Stocking up at whole foods so that I have a drawer
full of organic goodies. (chocolate peanut butter
comes in handy for a 4am sugar high)
6. my studio mates who make stressing out fun
7. Photoshop makes everything better
8. Morning Thunder Tea
9. Gallery openings with free food and drinks (esp.
when they are held two floors up and are easily
10. Finishing things
11. Crossing things off my to-do list
12. Writing lists
13. I leave for Ireland in 42 days
This is what Ive been working on all week - model for a Bose wave re-design (for my product development class). The pink is a silicon insert that you can change for customization. I havent finished the remote but that also has an insert.

1. My Ipod (this weeks repeats)
A: Little Yellow Box
B: The Blood Brothers
C: Desaparecidos
D: Bullet Train to Vegas
2. Mountain Dew Amps (energy drink)
3. Text Messaging
4. Getting messages from cute people on SG
5. Stocking up at whole foods so that I have a drawer
full of organic goodies. (chocolate peanut butter
comes in handy for a 4am sugar high)
6. my studio mates who make stressing out fun
7. Photoshop makes everything better
8. Morning Thunder Tea
9. Gallery openings with free food and drinks (esp.
when they are held two floors up and are easily
10. Finishing things
11. Crossing things off my to-do list
12. Writing lists
13. I leave for Ireland in 42 days
This is what Ive been working on all week - model for a Bose wave re-design (for my product development class). The pink is a silicon insert that you can change for customization. I havent finished the remote but that also has an insert.

but my favorite color is blue!