I was at the hardware store getting some random things and I noticed this lil compost bin. This bin was the perfect size to my small portafilter. If you have a wider portafilter you'll need to find a larger cute compost bin instead.
Thank you again, Betti. Btw, just visited your page, love your halloween makeup/hair... : ]
p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 20.0px 'Apple Color Emoji'}
Cool :D !!
hhahaha XD
That looks really good!
Been a very hard week emotionally, but at least my work is turning out good.
Here's some of my more recent pics from my IG... Mainly updates on my film.
Here's more updates on my movie and stuff! http://Binloweslockerfilm.com has been updated! The film so far is 30mins long!
So my thug life has been high octane as ever. At least the film is nearly done and my site is updated too www.binloweslockerfilm.com.... Btw I want to edit a sexy black heart burlesque video for instagram soon, I mean I have all this footage of babes dancing....
Just 1 shoot day left for my film! Also included a progress pic, cool art from a recent opening, and DJ arwen and I :)