deanna and i went to RCC to sign up for the cosmetology program at about 11am yesterday morning. we thought that we'd be in the clear since you couldnt get into line until 12noon and by the time we got our chairs and everything out of cars and whatnot, it'd already by time to start lining up . . we were wrong! it seems that some girls dont know how to follow rules and started lining up the night before, even after being told to leave because line ups didn't start yet.
well there was kind of some drama from us people who played by the rules this time and to make a long story short, i waited in line 18 hours only to be 13th down on the waiting list. so that means that 13 girls have to drop before i am admitted to the program and if that doesn't happen, then i have to come back in March and try all over again. BULLSHIT! i slept outside, in a parking lot, which consisted of mainly tore up asphalt. grr
but i met some really cool girls in line that kept our newfound group of friends entertained. we also had a few friends who stopped by to visit us and keeps us company so i didnt gouge out my eyes like i warned i might do haha 'Frankle Puss' even brought his portable DVD player and Donnie Darko for us to watch!
this pic is me (in the 'horny devil' jacket)hugging deanna, who looks frightened beyond belief. we were so delerious. it was quite funny to see.
nikki starr
well there was kind of some drama from us people who played by the rules this time and to make a long story short, i waited in line 18 hours only to be 13th down on the waiting list. so that means that 13 girls have to drop before i am admitted to the program and if that doesn't happen, then i have to come back in March and try all over again. BULLSHIT! i slept outside, in a parking lot, which consisted of mainly tore up asphalt. grr

this pic is me (in the 'horny devil' jacket)hugging deanna, who looks frightened beyond belief. we were so delerious. it was quite funny to see.
nikki starr

Thanks for sharing.