I hate to sound like a close minded asshole but here goes anyhow. I love music its been one of my biggest hobbies since i was 14, i have noticed over the past few years the amount of absolute garbage that is out there. This pop-culture, newage hip-hop garbage, with a mix of whiny skinny white prepubenscent boys with shaggy hair, who in all aspects really look like girls with british accents, no affense to british people its just the stereo type to these bands. They whine like boy bands and sing about pussy shit that shouldnt be in songs....come serisouly..Simple Plan....they classify this shit in magizines as punk-pop or alternative this shit is pure and utter emo/pop/boy band/garbage. I mean i listen to a lot of metal, hardcore, and the REAL punk music whoopie, but people say how can you have a voice if your music is screaming and the words are hard to understand, read some fucking lyrics for a change people dont use ignorance to judge music, but for me id rather listen to my type of music then be able to understand clearly shit like, yo my rims,yo my benz, my bitches, my hoes, slap some bitches, bitches aint shit, fuck your clic', eat my glock, makin money, I mean seriously this shit makes money i dont know why or what idiots are buying this garbage i mean metal is aggressive music but not compared to this shit, i have listen to this so called music and most of the kids i know listen to it i dont know why, we always sit around and bash it, how can u relate to such shit when i know they never even been in a fist fight, but your listening to some guy talking about busting caps, beat downs, beat hoes, fucking bitches, bling bling rims, and fucking shoes, how the fuck does this shit get out on the music stands. Dont get me wrong here I in no way shape or form endorse hip-hop what so ever, but i have heard some good stuff that people can relate to, or a tradgedy that flows, poetry,and things atleast with substance. Not one style is better than the other, but what ever happened to music.
dont even get me started on j-lo, jessica simpson, and brittney spears....all i can say is glorified well paid back up dancers, think about it how easy is it to prance around like a fucking bimbo, and still be able to sing.......IM FUCKING PISSED
.....im not getting into it
Shed some light and some comments

Shed some light and some comments
yes the new "rock" music that comes out today is absolutely terrible...perhaps that's why i've long since emersed myself into electronic music...mainly drum n bass which a lot of it is like the heavy metal of electronic music. Always new shit...always good shit.