nullI recently read this article i found it very interesting to share:
Why Goths Suck
First the pros.
1.Some are rather attractive.
2. Some are smart.
Now the cons.
1. Most are outright hypocrites.
2. Most are elitist.
3. Most are idiots.
4. Most wouldnt know a hard life if it hit them in the head.
The most annoying thing about Goths is the hypocrisy of being goth. Most Goths dress goth as a form of self-expression. Unfortunately they have now replaced the word self with mass. I meet Goths all the time. I generally have no issue with them.Until they bless you with their 'creative wisdom'. Instead of the dry wit and intelligence you would expect , out comes this inane drivel that makes no sense. All I seem to hear is I am an individual. Which is very ironic as EVERY goth I meet seems to be wearing the exact same thing in the exact same colour! How is this individuality? Sure you may not look like everyone in your school but you look the exact same as every other goth in sight (usually about 50+ mingling about to scare old ladies.). Its even worse at a Marilyn Manson concert. 8000 people singing the same song, punching the air at the same time, all wearing the same thing. Original? Erm no! And these people call Christians sheep? Goths DO conform. It is a non-conformist ideal you conform to but you are still conforming. Dont try and be something youre not. Its a Joke.
The next problem is idiOt Goths. Now I am not attacking people who are genetically thick , just the ones who arent but show no sign of brain activity whatsoever. You know , the Goths who hack up their arms then wear tank tops to draw attention to themselves. Like scars are a fashion accessory. These idiots make a mockery of people who actually have a problem. I used to self-harm and when I did I covered up my cuts as they were personal and I was ashamed of them. I tried as much as possible to conceal my scars. So this whole Look what I did when I was bored last night thing is a fucKing disgrace. I guess Im the only one who hates this part of the Nu-goth Attitude.
Moving on to my next rant. Elitism. ALL Goths Ive met assume they are better than everyone else. You are not! Sure, just as there are smart trendies there are smart Goths. But by no means are the numbers miles apart. Ive met just as many dumb, foolish & immature Goths as I have the trendy equivalent. There is nothing wrong believing in yourself and your intelligence but to assume the rest of the world has no brain power compared to you is just pathetic. Why is it that when someone becomes a Goth they suddenly think they have become Neitzche or something.
Now wE deal with persecution. I always hear Goths say everyone bullies me or everyone looks at me funny. Before I deal with that Id like to point out another hypocrisy of Goths. Almost every goth I come across hates anyone who isnt goth. And would happily spit , hit or verbally abuse someone who is different from them. Goths need to understand what irony is. Now the reason Goths get shit is because they choose to dress the way they do , even though they are fully aware of what will happen. If you dont want someone to shout filthy goth at you then dont dress goth , or at least have a wash.
Goths always moan about the hard life they have had. But it cant be that hard because they are always wearing leather and 150 boots! Stop moaning that daddy wont buy you that new CD or car you wanted. And to Goths who have had a difficult life (because there are some, Im not totally ignorant!). Seek help. Profesional help. Goths arent the only victims of emotional , physical or sexual abuse. Guess what trendies or townies (whatever they are bloody called) have it just as bad as you.
Goths are no more special than any other group of people.
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I definatly dont condone this article what so ever but i think the author brings up an over all point that i think i got out of it which i agree with. I think that no matter who you are be who you are not someone else, trying to be something or someone your not in the end will bring your demise inside and out. I notice some of the things the author brings up not only with goths but with any social strata, but then again you always have those outlayers that tend to ruin the over all image perspective of any group. To my readers just be yourself because "someone cant like you for you if you dont know who you are."
Why Goths Suck
First the pros.
1.Some are rather attractive.
2. Some are smart.
Now the cons.
1. Most are outright hypocrites.
2. Most are elitist.
3. Most are idiots.
4. Most wouldnt know a hard life if it hit them in the head.
The most annoying thing about Goths is the hypocrisy of being goth. Most Goths dress goth as a form of self-expression. Unfortunately they have now replaced the word self with mass. I meet Goths all the time. I generally have no issue with them.Until they bless you with their 'creative wisdom'. Instead of the dry wit and intelligence you would expect , out comes this inane drivel that makes no sense. All I seem to hear is I am an individual. Which is very ironic as EVERY goth I meet seems to be wearing the exact same thing in the exact same colour! How is this individuality? Sure you may not look like everyone in your school but you look the exact same as every other goth in sight (usually about 50+ mingling about to scare old ladies.). Its even worse at a Marilyn Manson concert. 8000 people singing the same song, punching the air at the same time, all wearing the same thing. Original? Erm no! And these people call Christians sheep? Goths DO conform. It is a non-conformist ideal you conform to but you are still conforming. Dont try and be something youre not. Its a Joke.
The next problem is idiOt Goths. Now I am not attacking people who are genetically thick , just the ones who arent but show no sign of brain activity whatsoever. You know , the Goths who hack up their arms then wear tank tops to draw attention to themselves. Like scars are a fashion accessory. These idiots make a mockery of people who actually have a problem. I used to self-harm and when I did I covered up my cuts as they were personal and I was ashamed of them. I tried as much as possible to conceal my scars. So this whole Look what I did when I was bored last night thing is a fucKing disgrace. I guess Im the only one who hates this part of the Nu-goth Attitude.
Moving on to my next rant. Elitism. ALL Goths Ive met assume they are better than everyone else. You are not! Sure, just as there are smart trendies there are smart Goths. But by no means are the numbers miles apart. Ive met just as many dumb, foolish & immature Goths as I have the trendy equivalent. There is nothing wrong believing in yourself and your intelligence but to assume the rest of the world has no brain power compared to you is just pathetic. Why is it that when someone becomes a Goth they suddenly think they have become Neitzche or something.
Now wE deal with persecution. I always hear Goths say everyone bullies me or everyone looks at me funny. Before I deal with that Id like to point out another hypocrisy of Goths. Almost every goth I come across hates anyone who isnt goth. And would happily spit , hit or verbally abuse someone who is different from them. Goths need to understand what irony is. Now the reason Goths get shit is because they choose to dress the way they do , even though they are fully aware of what will happen. If you dont want someone to shout filthy goth at you then dont dress goth , or at least have a wash.
Goths always moan about the hard life they have had. But it cant be that hard because they are always wearing leather and 150 boots! Stop moaning that daddy wont buy you that new CD or car you wanted. And to Goths who have had a difficult life (because there are some, Im not totally ignorant!). Seek help. Profesional help. Goths arent the only victims of emotional , physical or sexual abuse. Guess what trendies or townies (whatever they are bloody called) have it just as bad as you.
Goths are no more special than any other group of people.
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I definatly dont condone this article what so ever but i think the author brings up an over all point that i think i got out of it which i agree with. I think that no matter who you are be who you are not someone else, trying to be something or someone your not in the end will bring your demise inside and out. I notice some of the things the author brings up not only with goths but with any social strata, but then again you always have those outlayers that tend to ruin the over all image perspective of any group. To my readers just be yourself because "someone cant like you for you if you dont know who you are."

I've seen an article similar to this before. I know more than a few goths who are indiviuals, intelligent and may still have black hair and pale makeup, but you could pick them out of any crowd. Unfortunantly it's just not the mass of the crowd that's like that. The thing that bugs me most is probably the angsty for no reason goths. The ones that just can't be happy or enjoy themselves, not because they're miserable to start with, but because "it's cool". That just bugs the hell out of me.
Way to break it down!