So i got this suggestion from the very gorgeous Lauren on here to start a journal. so here goes. I just got back to my home town for a few days for spring break i got to school to Florida State in Tallahassee, Florida, and im back in my shitty home of Spring Hill
although it could be worse i think it good to come home once in a while to help cut off the ties to past memories from back home, so at night i dont wonder whats going on back here, when i know nothign important. I got to see so people i went to high school with. I guess the high light of my night was i saw my girl friend i dated through high school for the first time in years. the wierdest thing i have been over her for a while and think about her from time to time, but for some reason when i saw her my heart hit the floor?!?!? wierd huh well we exchanged numbers, its been so long at when we were together we were at that age that we change so much so i think if we talked to try and catch up it would be like meeting a new person all over again, so we exchanged numbers most im hoping for is a friend out of this

I wish i could go back to my home town but i still live here

FSU kicks butt, i have a few freinds that graduated from there, so where's Spring Hill?