What I need for the comic strip is some girls and guys with first-hand knowledge of some of the locations I mentioned yesterday with, of course, the exception of Ilha da Queimada Grande, things like photos of streets or places you like, local wildlife, it could be your favorite bar or restaurants or something (although that would have to have to be under two conditions 1) that the owner doesn't mind 2) that they don't have a website or that it would probably be hard for the young lady in the editorial dept at King Features to find it. I like to slip in easter eggs but if they find out it's a real business they will make us change the name) I can usually get away with fictional businesses from T.V. For instance, we used T.C. and Island Hopper Helicopter Service from Magnum P.I. in a story located in Hawaii, the editor was apparently too young to remember the show but found a fake website for the company online and thought she had us. When James pointed out that the first review of the companies service was by Thomas Magnum she was embarrassed as hell and swore him to secrecy, but it made it to print in papers all around the world.
Also local legends, I love to just throw in the odd mention of local cryptids even if it's just a barely noticed footprint or something very subtle. Also, James and I tend to use real names of friends or people from obscure films, especially sci-fi and horror) since we have no Brazilian friends and don't tend to watch many Brazilian films, perhaps you or some friends might like a part or background part in the comic. Can't guarantee who or how many we will need. Stuff like that.
I have to put in a beach scene, so I could use a beach photo. Girls in bikinis would be helpful, there is a limit to how small a bikini can be or how sexy poses can be. James can always make suits have more coverage.
We will need a few male characters as well.
Sure I could google all of this but I thought this approach might be more fun if anyone was interested in my little experiment.
So if any of our lovely Brazilian ladies are interested let me know if you would rather drop pictures here or I can provide my email. If nobody is interested I'll just do it the old fashioned way.
Yesterday's post had some links to the history of the strip and to some of the strips themselves but I'll try to post some actual art tomorrow as it's all on my old computer.