I've mentioned before ghostwriting the comic strip MARK TRAIL for my friend James Allen who is the current "creator" and artist for the strip but I've never posted a link. I do almost all the writing, occasionally James will add an extra day if he wants to do specific art. The process normally is for me to send him parts of the script with a list of characters on a topic that we discuss ahead of time, we might or might not discuss the ending and then he does art for the newspaper that has to be submitted months in advance to it being printed. It's not quite as fluid as it used to be when we lived in the same town, now I live in Florida and he lives in Georgia and we don't talk as often as we should. It leads to small mistakes, I just had to add a new character because one that was supposed to be a big Hispanic biker he drew like a regular bad guy. No biggie just change a few lines of dialogue and here comes the biker. It may be more fun this way. This link is to the Comics Kingdom site which runs the strip every day and then lets viewers make comments about the strip. The most enjoyable part of writing the strip is writing to get a reaction out of the viewers, inside jokes, easter eggs, pop culture references, and on occasion getting to really pull some fun jokes and tricks on them which is especially satisfying when they realize that they think they have been outsmarted or think they predicted something in a matter of days and then realize it was actually done months beforehand.
The site will let you back up and see previous days. The current story has Mark's son Rusty and his friend Mara following an antiquities smuggler in Mexico who happens to be in possession of Mayan artifacts. Mark is not around to save them and the shits about to hit the fan, as much as it possibly can. After an episode in another strip had a mafia hit which hurt the feelings of some people that read the newspaper in Seattle, King Features, let James know that we weren't allowed to actually kill anyone anymore. :(