A good weekend! Friday was spent doing not much as i was still sick. I talked to my ex and said hey, we don't hate each other so why not keep the lines of communication open? She said "Ya! For sure!" So we talked a bit and then i realised that i have no need to talk to her. Humbling moment I suppose. Saturday was spent getting drunk with my buddies all day. We did yard work around my house and had a campfire in my backyard. (Which is in the city and is totally illegal... I got real drunk and tried to set up a tent on my bed so i could sleep in a tent and be awesome... but I was too drunk to set up said tent. uh, friday there was a big de-railment in Oshawa. 27 Cars on the ground and a fire and shit. It was right by my not so recent ex-girlfriends house who has a baby, o i went by to see if they were ok and everything was fine... i just wish I knew if the baby was mine or not, it was so skeptical and everyone didnt know whose it was a first, then all of sudden I had a new gf (the one i just lost) and I wasnt around so then everyone assumed it was the other guys.... but It still has me skeptical... anyways i dont want to get into details. Basically she said since she had her period once between me and her bf she was with before me (whom she went back to after we broke up) therefore it wasnt mine. I tried to tell her that that does not necessarily mean anything but she didnt listen. So oh well, her daughter is beautiful, and if it was mine i would be proud... and I would definately support her any way I could, considering that is the only right thing to do. Shes not with him anymore and is trying hard to make it on her own without him around but she could use some help ya know? She also told me that she almost wished it was mine because he was a dick just like he used to be. (background: she dated him before me and split with him, dated me, and went back to him).. we almost dated again but no, it just cant happen.
anyways, weekend was good. Tonight I went to the bar but didnt enjoy myself because i work in the morning. Trains gotta run!
End of drunk entry.... I better sleep.
anyways, weekend was good. Tonight I went to the bar but didnt enjoy myself because i work in the morning. Trains gotta run!
End of drunk entry.... I better sleep.
i think it might have been the mephisto level for us that was bugged as well. wolverine couldnt get damaged or die.
but totally the most awesome game ever, i heart it a lot.
also watched the new star trek last night, and it rocked my fuckin socks off.
im so amped for the new one coming out. was watching cool trailers for it today. damn it looks so awesome. im like a little kid at christmas.
well i watched it on my laptop at home, if it had been the big screen, it probably would have been more than just my socks