Also, I posted a big photo album of pics of my room on FB recently. I was thinking of uploading them here too, since I would be able to upload the uncensored versions, but considering the ridiculous file size restrictions (250KB for one pic, 1MB for a zip), I figured a link to the album on my Facebook was good enough.
How I Live 2013...
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How I Live 2013...
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Someone here might like this, if they manage to even see it on their feed:
Monday Morning Aural Sex: 2013-06-17 (Random as a Really Random Thing Edition)
Today in Wayne, New Jersey (2 photos)
Pop-Up Player:
Perrrrverrrrts! Welcome to a new day, a new week and a new installment of your and my favorite podcast, Monday Morning Aural Sex. This is the Random as...
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Monday Morning Aural Sex: 2013-06-17 (Random as a Really Random Thing Edition)
Today in Wayne, New Jersey (2 photos)
Pop-Up Player:
Perrrrverrrrts! Welcome to a new day, a new week and a new installment of your and my favorite podcast, Monday Morning Aural Sex. This is the Random as...
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Check it out: I write shit. Some people dig it; most have no idea what the fuck I'm talking about. If you wanna see, click the link:
Well, I'm back. Two reasons: 1. One of Drave and Porphyria's pics came through my desktop wallpaper rotator and it made me wonder what she (Drave) was up to lately. Not that I'm not curious about Porphyria, but she and I never talked. 2. I actually have the money to spare since I've taken over my dad's business while he's in the hospital. Been makin'...
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My membership to this site is about to expire. Don't really have the money or interest to renew. If anyone actually wants me to stick around, feel free to speak up, but I'd much rather keep in touch through a free social network like Facebook or something.
are you on instagram?
Yeah. Only have one pic on it, 'cause I usually just upload shit to FB, but I'm followin' you there now. 

Monday Morning Aural Sex: 2012-04-30 (Fuck Geography Edition feat. Constance Felix)
Pop Up Player:
...psst... hey... it's Monday... and you're doing Monday-ey things right now... things that make sense... like breathing... breathing is a great activity that makes sense for Mondays... actually... fuck making sense... making sense is fucking boring... so go harvest some curvy dragon toenails and glue them to your forehead so...
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Pop Up Player:
...psst... hey... it's Monday... and you're doing Monday-ey things right now... things that make sense... like breathing... breathing is a great activity that makes sense for Mondays... actually... fuck making sense... making sense is fucking boring... so go harvest some curvy dragon toenails and glue them to your forehead so...
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I hope all is well with you, also. We drove through Wayne a few weeks ago on the way home from mini golf in Fairfield lol. It made me think of you, too. How is your dad doing?