I finally binged Twin Peaks the Return last week. (imagine that, I still ended up only being a full year late to that party)
You do not understand how much I loved that season.
Everytime I thought I might be starting to get bored of the whole "Dougie" thing, it made me laugh out loud one more time.
I would compare it to season 2 just because of how it takes it's time getting to the climax, but then once it gets there it doesn't seem rushed or anything (there was a whole episode left afterwards). I am kinda glad I waited and watched it all at once (well, 3 episodes a night). . . .it's not like anyone else I know really got to see it besides the guitarist in my band. ha ha ha.
I'm behind on Lynch movies. I had only see Blue Velvet before I watched Twin Peaks, and I have owned Blue Velvet since at least 2008.
I got a lot of stuff to check out.