Okay so picture this, my dumb ass is not paying attention to where i am at work. I am pissed off at a replacement mechanic because he can't do what I was told he could and a very expensive job is about to not get shipped and my day financially goes to shit now. I am walking across the shop and not looking where I...
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EWWWWY!! ahaha that looks painfull! frown
It is amazing, I have a little more pay and a lot more responsibility but I am so much happier. I am the one in charge and doing it my way and the right way and I am right where I belong. I am a good salesman, but I am a great manager. I know how to get people to work. I am good at...
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First blog in forever. Oh well not that a lot read this anyway.

I was just promoted at the begining of the month to store manager and have had a battle since then. I am running the slowest store in the company but am already making it turn around. The thing is this store will never be super successfull. The thing they do with this...
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What a shame I just saw that Zarth and Fearthereaper are both gone from the site. They were both very close minded people and were not nice to anyone who did not agree with their point of view. When their arguments were proven false they would turn to calling people names. They would do that until they drove people away. Now they are gone. Sorry.
Thank you for the comment smile kiss
Did anyone go to Ink & Iron? If so how was it? I had Army Reserve duty that weekend and missed it, I was pissed.
Thanks so much
Who is going to be at Ink & Iron?

I will be there on June 8th. Just wondered who I might be able to run into.
I think the comment you left on my set is one of the sweetest I've ever read. Thank you smile
LOL thanks for the cute comment on my set!!!
Well just about time to leave for work. But things are going well at work. I had to run down to TJ last night to pick up an engine I had rebuilt down there. They did an awesome job. So good we got stopped at the border because they thought it was a brand new engine.

Should have it in the truck by next week...
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Yeah for trucks living again! I work the exact oppostie of that: I have days and weeknight off and work all weekend. Such is life. How have you been? I try to keep in touch, but you have to poke me sometimes to remind me smile
So the new position is working out pretty well. We are really working to turn this store around. We finally got rid of one of the most negative influences in the shop. He was a mechanic and for some reason he thought he was bad ass. I would have broken him in half and he thought he could take me. But I don't fight unless...
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i tried to leave you a comment already but my computer is messing up, so if you get this twice I'm sorry.

I hope the situation at work turned out well for you.

Keep in touch.
You are right though, the OK memorial is gorgeous! I loved the sound of the water, and the chairs, the chairs is when it hit me.
Well yesterday was good and bad at work. Sold a lot and got a promotion but was moved to a slower store. But this still puts me one step closer to my goal of becoming a manager. I am now on the high potential list and will be considered when they are looking for new managers.

My wife was not happy though because I now...
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Thanks for the comment...
Hope everything will be ok for you and for your wife. kiss
Is it just my crappy ass computer or is anyone esle having problems viewing the pics or launching the galleries.

Anyway work is consuming 90% of my time and that is why I have not been around for a while.

Hope all is well and everyone in chat is having a good life. Miss you guys but I am back with my family so chat...
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take care! kiss