We finally made it home. We arrived in LAX at 1110 Tuesday night. It was a long hard road but it is over and I am on leave unitl February. It will be nice to get some relaxing time in.
Well we got out of Atlanta but now we are stuck in Ft Lewis. This is what happens when civilians run things for the Army. If the Demob was Army run, it would be at least a 6 day per week operation and it would be 0800 to 1600, not civilians, Monday thru Friday 0800 to 1530, no weekends or holidays. So now we are... Read More
I am stateside. I am stuck in Atlanta right now but will be at Ft Lewis tomorrow and begin the Demob process to get back to my home in CA and back to my family.
Baby, Monday I sign over all my equipment to someone else and then we book flights home. We will be home for Thanksgiving and I will be on leave until after Xmass and New Years. I can't wait to have some time off.
Thank God that this tour is over, I know we volunteered to stay longer but I am glad it is over.
I had a heart to heart with my Commander and he agreed to put me in for the Bronze Star. I have been told since we are in Kuwait and do not directly support combat operations in Iraq, that they ususally get down graded. Well I have run the mail terminal that send mail into southern Iraq. We support about 11 bases in Iraq. Without... Read More
Well today just sucked. I found out that the LTC is not recommending me for a BSM (Bronze Star Medal) even though I have gone way above and beyond the call of duty starting with coordinating a group of 8 of my Soldiers and myself to stay an extra 6 months so that Kuwait had enough personnel in my job set to do its mission.... Read More
What a downer, I just saw that Rigel is no longer active on the site. I really wish there was some way that all there old stuff would stay up and not just their pics.
So tell me, How is it that the World Court will not issue an arrest warrant for a standing Dictator, that every one in the world knows is committing Human Rights Violations, and the U.N. will stand by and only issue sanctions, only making things worse on the people of that country, and not truly effection the Dictator in any way shape or form? But... Read More
Because if they step in when there in power it changes there role in things basically saying we pick who gets to lead, i understand your feelings on this but try to remember politics and people in power don't give a shit about the little/common people
I understand that, I have a degree in this crap, but it's about time that someone stands up for the people. If the World Court wants real legitimacy then they need to start issuing warrants for these people and force them to stay in their countries. They break the laws of human decency then they pay the price, not that the World Court decideds who rules, they just decide who protects the little people.