This is a little long for me, but read it and think about it.
I saw an interesting little blurb by the widow of the Shah of Iran. She claims that the one we all thought was such a great peace maker is the one that has caused all the turmoil in the world today. She claims that if JIMMY CARTER had not let the Shah get overthrown that none of the problems with radical Islam would exist today.
What she says makes sense. She claimis the Iran/Iraq war would not have happened because Iraq would never have attacked an American backed Iran. That the 1st Gulf war would not have happened and that Radical Revolutionary Islam would not exist. And then the exportation of Revolutionary Islam would never have taken place. Without the exportation and the support and training in Iran the Taliban would not exist and niether would Al Quada.
She makes a good argument, and what she says makes a lot of sense. I even thought that Carter was a great negotiator until about a year ago. Then I learned a lot about how he had a terrible Foreign Policy and that his Secretary of State was a total pacifist and that he stated and the world knew that he would never use military force as a means to an end. So with that threat off the table it took away a lot of our negotiating power. So it turned out that countries said ya sure ok and then didn't follow the treaties that they signed.
Something to think about.
I saw an interesting little blurb by the widow of the Shah of Iran. She claims that the one we all thought was such a great peace maker is the one that has caused all the turmoil in the world today. She claims that if JIMMY CARTER had not let the Shah get overthrown that none of the problems with radical Islam would exist today.
What she says makes sense. She claimis the Iran/Iraq war would not have happened because Iraq would never have attacked an American backed Iran. That the 1st Gulf war would not have happened and that Radical Revolutionary Islam would not exist. And then the exportation of Revolutionary Islam would never have taken place. Without the exportation and the support and training in Iran the Taliban would not exist and niether would Al Quada.
She makes a good argument, and what she says makes a lot of sense. I even thought that Carter was a great negotiator until about a year ago. Then I learned a lot about how he had a terrible Foreign Policy and that his Secretary of State was a total pacifist and that he stated and the world knew that he would never use military force as a means to an end. So with that threat off the table it took away a lot of our negotiating power. So it turned out that countries said ya sure ok and then didn't follow the treaties that they signed.
Something to think about.
interesting. nice post.