Does it ever frustrate you when you are in the bathroom and it's a new roll of toillete paper and the little line of glue on the tp is so thick you can't undo the roll or it is so close to the edge that you have to try and tear the tp?
What is up with our Senators? I think they are all losing their minds. One a few weeks ago said we already lost the war in Iraq and should just leave. Then another one just the other night in a republican presidential debate says that we invited the 9/11 attacks because we were over there bombing Iraq for 10 years. My responce is that is bullshit and if he didn't like us doing the bombings he should have spoken up then and said to oppose the sanctions placed on Iraq by the UN. We were only enforcing the UN sanctions. Luckily Rudy was there and put him in his place. As the mayor of New York on 9/11 he was not a happy camper when he heard that oppinion.
What is up with our Senators? I think they are all losing their minds. One a few weeks ago said we already lost the war in Iraq and should just leave. Then another one just the other night in a republican presidential debate says that we invited the 9/11 attacks because we were over there bombing Iraq for 10 years. My responce is that is bullshit and if he didn't like us doing the bombings he should have spoken up then and said to oppose the sanctions placed on Iraq by the UN. We were only enforcing the UN sanctions. Luckily Rudy was there and put him in his place. As the mayor of New York on 9/11 he was not a happy camper when he heard that oppinion.
I HATE the toilet paper thing. Especially when you rip the toilet paper too much, and the roll is all retarded!!!! To be honest about the whole war in Iraq thing, personally I think it's waste of time now, and it's just resulting in more and more deaths, and good god look at gas prices!!!!!!
all i have to say is i know who i voted for. i watch what they vote for as well.