So I sold my honda bike. Normally, that would be the end of the story, and a rather boring one at that, but this isn't one of those. I took it down to south of where I live for the guy to take a look at it. In the parking lot in front of the bar he owns, he asked to take it for a test ride. So I said, "cash in hand and you got it." So, his cash in my hand and my keys in his and off he went. 20 feet and he made a U-turn, passed me and another "turn". The first turn went better. He hit a concrete pillar at about 40 mph with my bike less than 30 seconds after starting it. I guess he bought a new bike. Oh well, I got what I wanted for it and he got to pay for a totalled bike and a hospital visit.

Thanks for the add! 

niceeee id probably go with whiskey but either way that is a valiant effort, sir.