For those who like to watch, show off, or a bit of both. This is a closed group, access is on an approved basis using the following criteria: Don't be a creep. To join this group you must be an active member of the site, meaning you post comments on …
This is a PRIVATE group for SG Team Photographers, invite only. If you have shot a set for the site and are not yet official or are just looking to become a photographer for SG, please visit [URL=]SGPhotographerHopefuls[/URL].
A group for models, both new and established, to discuss work, shoots, photography, ideas and more! For entry u must keep a journal & be a regular poster on the site. Suicide Girls applying will receive auto-approval :) To protect the privacy of our group members, this group is now …
Boys... You wanna get naked like the girls? Here's your chance to post sets and let us get to know what kind of man you are. Step up to the plate and show us who has the balls!
A place for skinny boys and everyone who loves them.
SUICIDEGIRLS & HOPEFULS ONLY! Members will not be approved. For models who want to contribute to the social media presence of SG! This is a place where you can share ideas and provide content to be used over our social networks.