sg hopefuls

This is an open group for hopefuls to connect with SGs, members, and other hopefuls! PLEASE read the "Welcome! Please Read Me!!" thread before posting!

itty bitty titty committee

Talk about the itty bitty titties, praise them, glorify them! No spam no drama nuff said! Any questions regarding this group contact moderators @lil_tuffy @nonamenumberfive


This group is for yoga instructors, yoga enthusiasts, and yoga beginners alike to discuss teaching strategies, courses, retreats, therapeutic yoga, and anything else yoga. Namaste.


All things gaming: new school, old school, PC, Xbox, Playstation, Handhelds, etc! Discuss gameplay, modding, and anything else gaming-related!

doctor who

This group is bigger on the inside than it looks from the of the original or the revival, this is the place for you. Looking to trade internationally? Here's the worldwide Who connection. Join now, or we will EX-TER-MIN-ATE!

girl gamers

READ. THE. RULES. NO. BOYS. ALLOWED. A video game group with NO BOYS ALLOWED! We are few and far between, but have no problem sending all the little fanboys into a tailspin. This is for GIRLS ONLY! so please have a journal, be on the site for 3 months and …

midwest suicidegirls

SUICIDEGIRLS ONLY. For SuicideGirls in the midwest United States to plan events, share stories, and generally just get to know each other.