I've got a really mean ghost, that lives, or can be found at a Slave Cemetery. Down the road about a mile from my farm. This ghost is mean. 2yrs ago me and JESSIE were riding horse's on a trail that goes around the cemetery. Next thing I know the slave ghost is standing on the trail. JESSIE horse spooked and bucked her off. I got off my horse, and turned it loose, so it could run with JESSIE horse. I checked on JESSIE, and said we are going to standup now. Don't run, we are walking out not running. This ghost was blocking the trail screaming and howling. And spelled like death. Now JESSIE is in shock, and can't walk. Now the ghost is in my face, I didn't back down, and it pissed this ghost off. I thought maybe he can't hurt me. JESSIE was still in shock. I picked JESSIE up, put over my shoulder. Looked at the ghost, and said get the fuck out of way. Get the fuck off the trail. The ghost didn't move, so I walked around the ghost down the trail. And the followed me for a while, then stopped. I finally made it to a road. And called 911 for a Ambiance because JESSIE was still in shock.
My attention span (and possible commitment issues) struggles with novels, so I love short stories, especially Science Fiction and along the lines of Weird Tales.  I also like reading the books associated with some role-playing games.  Eclipse Phase is my favorite, but I've never been in a campaign and don't really have any interest in participating in one.  I love that game universe, though.  I just finished reading The Explorer's Guide for Torment: Tides of Numenera, which fleshes out the game world of the computer game with the same name in the way the Player's Handbook and Monster Manual do for D&D.