Artwork for sale
Hey folks!
....oh god...what a long time i've never looked to SG... tztztz
but now i have more time & i'll try to write more blog's & also make a new set -> next week i will give YOU a little look inside ;)
AND one of my Xmas presents last year was a camera - sooo if u want to see me singing &...
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Hey folks!
....oh god...what a long time i've never looked to SG... tztztz
but now i have more time & i'll try to write more blog's & also make a new set -> next week i will give YOU a little look inside ;)
AND one of my Xmas presents last year was a camera - sooo if u want to see me singing &...
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so...... whats going on in my life:
since march i make an education for nursing auxiliary it lasts july 2011!
i have much to learn at the moment but in july this year i have my first practice

wish u all a beautiful weekend & send u all a big

I'm glad to know you're doing well! I missed you!!

You know what?
I'll be moving to Germany in 4weekes!

Can you believe that??? I'm studying German now, and I hope I can talk with you in German next time when we meet!

hoff dir gehts gut!!
sag ma mal wenn es wirklich so is, dann bin ich gstellt, aber sowas von sicher!!!

i've short news:
....i broke my left arm, just can write with one hand & at home my internet sucks...
hope i can write back soon & send new pics (i'm in the office right now & have my cam at home >.<

but shit happends - this was really not my year... BUT anyway it just can come better

send u much...
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Gute Besserung!

Frohe Weinachten und herzliche Glckwnsch zum Geburtstag!

Long time no speak - I'm back on SG for the next 3 months at any rate!

a looong time ago i was online here....yes yes.... SORRY for my long abstinence !!
i am back in my old flat & have to 'pay out' my ex hubby from 'our' (now mine) freehold flat - so it was a bit 'nervy' & much stressfull - but i have the next month no work (this little pause for breath i have earned!!)...
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hope u can make a little travel to europe soon & a we can see us again!!

short: in english...
I AM BACK. but the old vena after my divorce i found back to my 'roots' & i feel soo fine & i am so happy aaaall the time, with my ex i have a good friendship now & everything is perfect

long: but in german...
ausnahmsweise mal kurz ein blog in deutsch - da ich einfach jez damit schneller...
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aber genug gequatscht, mehr geil gemacht