I haven't written a blog in a while. Mostly because I have been running around being caught up in stupid stuff. Of course, if you read Pyke 's blog, you will know I went away with some of the most awesome ladies on a fantastic weekend away (involving naughty pugs, lots of nudity and one or two surprises). Of course, all the pictures I took...
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I will write a blog further explaining why this is such a sad day for all those who call themselves South African.
I grew up knowing his name, and was fortunate to have lived in his South Africa. There will never be another like him. Few can be imprisoned by hate, write their story in secret and become a president filled with love.
Nelson Mandela...
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So, it is Monday. Which means that I am finished my exams. I do have one report left to go which I should be writing instead of doing random blogs but I can't help it.
This weekend is going to be epic! Of course, Saturday being the 50th Anniversary (5days, 6hours and 14minutes - but I am not counting).
Of course, I can't wait to
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So, because it has been a while and I found some new found freedom in my singular state, I let @arroia 's photographer friend take a couple of photo's. When I say A couple, I literally mean a couple. Although there was a video. I am not sure what happend to it. I am not sure if I want to know. It was a good
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So... Monday is almost here. Which means after a year of dealing with this shit, my research project on Procrastination will finally be over. I have the final discussion to write up.
I also have a mini Qualitative project due on Monday as well (the former being purely Quantitative).
So naturally, I decided to download random camera apps and editting things on my phone. You...
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I am soooooo stoked!
Why, oh why is it not November 23 yet? Actually, this may cause huge conflict of interest.... but more about that in a later blog.
For now, what does everyone think?
This is for a demostration XD (hopefully I can upload the demonstration video)
So, this will be Take 3 of 3 in my attempt to put up a new blog.
And, goddamn it, I am totally going to start this blog with @fische in her leather jacket looking totally hot with orange hair because !!!! that is why. This of course was taken from her Fire set
So, naturally as this is the third attempt of putting a
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So, being the fun person I am, I thought I would share a little of what it is that I spend my time doing. Well, some of my time. The following are quotes from 'African Sexualities: A Reader' under the chapter of 'Onsunality' (or...
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I have seen some posts which were fair in voice that have been removed.
Yes, some of my friends are or were dramatic nuts and some have really behaved like asses.
However, in...
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