So now we lowly hopfuls get homework too! Happy days. Here's my bare face which looks totallt crazy May 12, 2014 30 Facebook Tweet Email VIEW 10 of 10 COMMENTS kamikazekiller: Love the hair! Jul 5, 2014 tonni003z: wow babydoll Jul 4, 2015
Looking into getting the linework done for this bad boy in the next week or so. Pretty sure I'm goi May 12, 2014 10 Facebook Tweet Email arcania: Looks good <3♡♡ May 12, 2014
Another teaser from my set Tea Princess. This one is my absolute fav shot (weird one to pick I know May 11, 2014 24 Facebook Tweet Email VIEW 3 of 3 COMMENTS bnviking: Nice Shot!!! May 11, 2014 martydistortion: Mmmm, legs. May 11, 2014
#sghsundies pumped for watching the eurovision final from the comfort of my pjs in a few short minu May 11, 2014 33 Facebook Tweet Email VIEW 6 of 6 COMMENTS unicorn: @someguynamedmic My best friend skyped me from japan about 5 songs in so i missed the whole thing lol May 12, 2014 someguynamedmic: @unicorn At least I saw all of Friday and Saturday night so I didn't miss much May 14, 2014
So the member reveiw queue just sped up and my set Tea Princess (shot by @exkyu) is now coming out May 7, 2014 18 Facebook Tweet Email sunflower: Yay! I'm so excited to see it xx May 7, 2014 sullivpd2: show the braces sexy Aug 15, 2014
Regram from @countesswhite. Out to dinner with my favorite SG and two beautiful hopefuls @alexandra May 5, 2014 17 Facebook Tweet Email
The internet brought me presents!! May 5, 2014 9 Facebook Tweet Email mipha: Yay presents!! May 5, 2014 baalseraph: Good internet! :) May 5, 2014
Finding random japanese photo apps with amazing text. I don't know what life is, but apparently thi May 1, 2014 19 Facebook Tweet Email
Finally feeling normal again, sad I'm back at work tomorrow♡ I hope everyone had a rad weekend xx Apr 27, 2014 31 Facebook Tweet Email VIEW 3 of 3 COMMENTS exkyu: Weekend went alright. It had ice cream in it. Apr 27, 2014 bnviking: Cutie!!!!! Apr 27, 2014