My poor little panda bag still hasn't recovered from his brutal head shot after being caught in the Jul 21, 2014 9 Facebook Tweet Email asunta: cutest thing ^____^ Jul 30, 2014 falloutfrog: ..It actually looks kinda cool with the head shot wound - and it gives you a pretty cool story to tell. o_o Aug 1, 2014
Made it a week! My face is still massive and I'm pretty miserable but im slowly but surely making p Jul 3, 2014 7 Facebook Tweet Email VIEW 5 of 5 COMMENTS unicorn: Thanks @sen_ and @twinrova im feeling very swolen and pathetic atm but a week and a half and I can eat real food! Jul 7, 2014 sen_: That week will go by fast! If you can eat ice cream now do it. :) Jul 7, 2014
Making a art! #alchemy #art #gonnaturnleadintogold Jun 24, 2014 16 Facebook Tweet Email solitarius: WOW! Jun 24, 2014 tali79: Looks awesome Jun 25, 2014
Wearing my favourite leggings (and thinking about impending jaw surgery times!!) Sorry for being so Jun 20, 2014 20 Facebook Tweet Email sullivpd2: sexy Aug 15, 2014
Amazing gig opened by inhuman Remnants and The Schoenberg Automaton, Psycroptic an Aborted were fan Jun 16, 2014 4 Facebook Tweet Email
I sell things now! Have a look at my etsy shop: #etsy Jun 10, 2014 3 Facebook Tweet Email tribex: That goldfish is awesome Jun 21, 2014
Tigerlillies were on special today, so excited! #sgaustralia #sghaustralia #suicidegirlshopeful #h Jun 1, 2014 14 Facebook Tweet Email VIEW 3 of 3 COMMENTS unicorn: I ACTUALLY WORKED SO HARD ON ARRANGING THEM NICELY hahah Jun 1, 2014 bnviking: They Add Life to Any Room. Jun 1, 2014
Just waiting on my yellow/orange dye to arrive, and my raonbow will be complete! #rainbowhair #rai May 26, 2014 17 Facebook Tweet Email