From vandeezy


Ummm, how do I put this... You got me daydreaming. Then I go check your info and you're a gamer?!?!? Whaaaaaaaat! R u playing WoW: Legion? Im guessing you play horde (undead lol)? @undead


Good evening! How are you beatiful? I'm writing you this message just to ask you when you going to ship all orders on prints. Just checking if mine order didnt get lost or something. Oh and you should buy Overwatch on PC so we could play together! Hope you're well. x

From aongho


Happy Birthday my dear, you're the reason I joined this site a year ago, and 6500 followers later you still manage to astound! I hope you're having a fantastic day, with many gifts and happiness! ❀️


Hello there, how is it going? I've just added you on We could play HotS from time to time if you would be interested. Hope you don't mind adding you without asking. My tag is: Speedy#2684

I'd love to play with you :) I might be on tonight if your on? I'll add you when I'm on :)
I'm going to work in an hour but I'm off tommorow! :) Are you available? x

From ian8


Had the pleasure of meeting you a Lockdown once, and must say you have to be one of the soundest people ever! As well as drop dead gorgeous!

YEOWWW <3 thank you :)
Any cosplay pics or sets on the horizon?? You'd do a class job on some lol stuff! Jinx seems a bit like your soul animal haha

You are gorgeous and wonderful! Hottest zombie EVER. If you wandered across me during the apocalypse, I would certainly be eaten as I stood stunned by your beauty. So, I implore you, be a survivor! For the sake of humanity!

Heheh! Why thank you so much :3 I'll eat your heart and then your brain :)

From agnarr


You are so gorgeous. I'd love to see you in thigh highs. Your luscious legs and succulent lips leave me yearning for moreβ£πŸ˜πŸ˜˜β€οΈπŸ’˜πŸ’‹

Hehe maybe in my next set :P
That would be a dream come true πŸ˜˜πŸ˜πŸ’‹

From chvrch


Your profile picture is so iconic. I want a giant poster of it to hang in my house.

Nawwwwh thank you so much hehe that means alot! Never thought about making it a print! :)
You absolutely should. Its truly a timeless image.