lets try this again . . .
nice try
Back to school! Where's my too-short plaid skirt when I need it? Oh! And pigtails! Going wig shopping today - seriously. I'm getting shoes too.
Otherwise, I'm just slightly hungover and silly right now. Avoiding my responcibilities for just another day. No, fuck that, being irresponcible is a pain in the ass. I'm getting my shit done today.
Happy new year and all that jazz....
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Otherwise, I'm just slightly hungover and silly right now. Avoiding my responcibilities for just another day. No, fuck that, being irresponcible is a pain in the ass. I'm getting my shit done today.
Happy new year and all that jazz....
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Thanks! Thanks! Thanks!
You are really cute too

You are really cute too

Thanks for the comment. I have to say the image of you in a short plaid skirt and pig tails intrigues me. hehe. Hope to hear from you soon.
I played WOW for the first time yesterday. I woke up twitching and mumbling "must play warcraft" to myself. I was a zombie. I killed a bunch of spiders and collected some red armbands from people I killed. A black flaming imp followed me and helped me kill people. Nothing to exciting . . . BUT I MUST PLAY MORE!!!!
Happy Winter Solstice, too!!
"How do you kill that which has no life?" 

Story is finished
I'm not a writer - I need physical space to make art, dance sculpture, song, film. I just can't do it on a computer, my eyes hurt.
I have lots of fun projects lined up fer myself over break. I'm goin to bust out my sewing machine to mend some things, make a hooded cloak, and some tarot/rune baggs. I also got...
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I'm not a writer - I need physical space to make art, dance sculpture, song, film. I just can't do it on a computer, my eyes hurt.
I have lots of fun projects lined up fer myself over break. I'm goin to bust out my sewing machine to mend some things, make a hooded cloak, and some tarot/rune baggs. I also got...
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It's impossible not to really sympathise with your situation regarding the timeless art/reality thing. Sometimes, particularly when I'm swinging my corroding pick-axe in the unforgiving white-coal creativity seam that is cartooning, I imagine what it might be like to have a more conventional take on the suburban 9-5, x-box, Starbuck's, property-porn, sticky-Green life.
I only need to take a few days off before the portentious, slick-snipers, itch commences. A new idea arrives in my brain like a hot musket-ball and the game begins again. Reality is the manifestation of an unspoken consensus, the electorate having left town long since, just in case they are bombarded by wearisome questions from the bangled, bearded and beaded malcontents of which I count myself as a fully subscribed member.
My current ongoing projects are an outre painted cartoon of an opinionated bunny rabbit as requested by: manko:
And a sutured teddy bear for:
Sometimes I think my life is quite strange.
I only need to take a few days off before the portentious, slick-snipers, itch commences. A new idea arrives in my brain like a hot musket-ball and the game begins again. Reality is the manifestation of an unspoken consensus, the electorate having left town long since, just in case they are bombarded by wearisome questions from the bangled, bearded and beaded malcontents of which I count myself as a fully subscribed member.
My current ongoing projects are an outre painted cartoon of an opinionated bunny rabbit as requested by: manko:

And a sutured teddy bear for:

Sometimes I think my life is quite strange.
finishing woo space is the place
My story's closer to being finished now, first draft is in anyways.
I't settled - my backpiece will be finished on Dec. 14 - I'll post a pic of that one, I wouldn't be so cruel.
I've started beading again, and i'm setting at a store too. Super stoked about that.
Magically I've become interested in runes and faeries. I was alway a tarot girl...
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I't settled - my backpiece will be finished on Dec. 14 - I'll post a pic of that one, I wouldn't be so cruel.
I've started beading again, and i'm setting at a store too. Super stoked about that.
Magically I've become interested in runes and faeries. I was alway a tarot girl...
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hello darling! i love the new set.
i need to update more. all work and no play.

i need to update more. all work and no play.

The sidhe will be sure and bless ye child...
Well, new post, eh? Oi, I've been writing for so long I think I'm already spent - SPENT I say! Anyway, though it's warm and muggy outside the trees are beautifull. Most have leaves turned vivid yellow, but there are some trees whose leaves shine a soft sunset red against the grey sky. Sometimes grey really does bring out the colors around it. Sunny days...
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Aww, I've not heard those carols but I wish I had- particularly Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer cos that is such a cool song title
I've got over the Halloween washout now cos I have somewhere better to go tonite- my mate's launching a new indie club night in Stoke and if I do the doors for an hour I get free entry and booze *hic*
Anyways, congrats on yr latest set, it's yet more proof of how fab pale flesh and red clothes go together. And your hair looks like fire- yay for pyromania!

Anyways, congrats on yr latest set, it's yet more proof of how fab pale flesh and red clothes go together. And your hair looks like fire- yay for pyromania!

I love Fiona Apple too. But I have my moments. And I also don't believe in waste of time but sometimes I totally see that I am wasting mine. Don't ask how.
Anyway. It OBVIOUSLY sounds stupid but I think I know you from "real life", if you know what I mean. Like school, like market... Or maybe I am just a freak.
You are beautiful anyway... And I believe you live real life.
have a nice week! and a great Thanksgiving day...

Anyway. It OBVIOUSLY sounds stupid but I think I know you from "real life", if you know what I mean. Like school, like market... Or maybe I am just a freak.
You are beautiful anyway... And I believe you live real life.

have a nice week! and a great Thanksgiving day...
this is wonderfull!
I'm watching porn on the internet,
giving candy to trick or treaters.
Tell me what you are for halloween!
I'm a fairy punk.
I'm watching porn on the internet,
giving candy to trick or treaters.
Tell me what you are for halloween!
I'm a fairy punk.
I opened my door and demanded sweets from the kids and they just ran away before I could throw eggs at them...
I am so misunderstood.
Maybe thats the price i pay for being born on the 31st - I want stuff, its my birthday!
I liked the vid..and you are right with what you said at the end
I am so misunderstood.
Maybe thats the price i pay for being born on the 31st - I want stuff, its my birthday!
I liked the vid..and you are right with what you said at the end

I just saw your set preview on myspace and just about shat myself...

I shaved my head!
don't ask for pictures - I have no camera, sorry.
I am so over hair
It's a little cold without a hat sometimes . . . but it's not about being attractive it's about being bald.
don't ask for pictures - I have no camera, sorry.
I am so over hair

It's a little cold without a hat sometimes . . . but it's not about being attractive it's about being bald.
Sweet. Perfect fall cut. Now is an excellent time for a new set, then.
I love a woman with a nice shaved head. Every time I read your journal there is something else about you to love.
I love a woman with a nice shaved head. Every time I read your journal there is something else about you to love.
my yearly haircut is a clean shave in the hot australian summer, but in my experience, it is hard work to make love to a girlfriend with shorter hair than myself. one of those wierd hard wired things maybe, mind you I didn't try to understand it I just shut my eyes and hoped at least one of us was having fun...
Cool, y'all seemed to like the writing thing so here's some more. Some of you might recognize this scene from an earlier post, this post is much more detailed though. Hope you enjoy! Oh, and this is completely autobiographical too. The whole story is longer but it's pretty episodic so I'll split it up into different posts soa not to be too overwhelming. Here is...
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I'm relatively new, and just started reading your posts....but this was amazing. I did not want this to end!
I'll look for the original post.
Great job on this post. Your writing is awesome!
I'll look for the original post.
Great job on this post. Your writing is awesome!
ok, I thought this was non-fiction but I just got here... is this a real trip to tokyo? I lived there for a year and I was still lost.
love your photos! prima!
love your photos! prima!

I like the 5th picture especially.
Your hair is the spot of all black
and white surrounding. It looks
like a framed moment. A moment
of hiding before you get detected
Have a great time and stay tuned