please keep the innocent civilians of lebanon and israel, as well as the victims of the recent tsunami in jaya, in your heart, prayers and thoughts
ok, update, round 2.
greetings from the other side of the rabbit hole. it's been almost 2 months since i last updated. recently i've gone through what was probably the biggest transformative process of my short existence, with more... Read More
I'm glad to hear things are going well. It was nice to re-read the story of you finding Leo. He's grown up so much over the past three years. I'm sorry to hear about your "Fan" set being rejected. It looks awesome. My move is going along. There have been some bumps in the road. Thanks for the support. Wednesday is the big test as we are moving all the key furniture that day. Hopefully all the appliances will be there & services will be up & running by then. As far as my leaving the community, my final journal entry will be up later tonight. While I'm sad to go it is a necessary change I must make if I'm to move forward.
i'm having trouble with my update....tell me, can you see a picture?
stay tuned
ok, wow, the new site is still really confusing for me...i tried to upload the pics in my attachment folder to my journal, but they only showed up in the pics section....and then some didn't show at all....too big i think..
i have a long update for you, but the one... Read More
fucking hell. i just returned home at 1 a.m. and was sitting in my room about to check my email, when i heard the unmistakable sound of someone trying to bust in a car window with a bat. hoping to save a neighbor from misfortune, i ran out the front door, cell phone in hand. it was indeed someone busting in a car window, but... Read More
i'm right with you on the rage, but so sorry you had to see that. on the other hand, better you than someone who wouldn't give a damn.
i didn't care for the movie so much, but i've turned into the picky kind of snob that only likes one or two movies a year now. not that i minded watching natalie portman for two hours, shaved head and all...
No good government except for self-government, I suppose. Saddest thing about it is all one can say is lucky for her you were there. How many others slip through the cracks?
As for the cops, not excusing what they said, especially since I don't know exactly what it was, but cynicism is a way of diffusing the situation. If you pretend you don't care, if you pretend that the victim deserved their fate (even if just a little bit... we're all sinners, right?), then it's a little bit easier to deal with. And maybe that's the only way you can get by if you see the same shit every single day. Sure, it sacrifices a bit of our humanity, but how humans are humans if even a sizable minority can consider an act like smashing up a car and beating the crap out of its occupant?
I personally prefer humor as a way of coping with the negative elements in life, but many would consider it as crass if not moreso than cynicism or sarcasm. Not that I could think of even a marginally appropriate joke about a beaten woman on the fly. I mean, what's the alternative? I can't cry for every father who loses his job and can no longer support his family or for every child they turn into a soldier. I don't have the tears and I don't think it would do much good anyway. Best to do your best to make the world a better place. So good for you for doing what seemed like the right thing. Sucks though, don't it?
As for V, read the comic book by Alan Moore. I'm not saying the film was bad - it wasn't. I just couldn't force myself to watch it again after I witnessed what an atrocity the Wachowski brothers turned it into, and I've never felt anywhere near that way about the filmic adaption of a book. Ironically, the only message they manage to retain in its entirity is the one about integrity...
i appreciate all the friend's nice! but please don't request me without at least posting in my journal and dialoguing with me first. i don't have time to write the friends on my list, so i will delete you if you're random. don't take it personally.
i had the best fucking night last night.
despite it being sold out, a friend and i headed... Read More
on the last day of winter, my best friend drove the hour and 1/2 from chico to meet me at my folk's house, outside of redding. we made the only food we had: fried egg and soy sausage sandwiches, grabbed towels, water, the dog, and fleed from my mother's words at my back, "call if you're going to be too late...".
monday edit: oh my god! it's the attack of the giant head! much as that old profile pic made me cringe, with it's bad lighting and arm pit hair and otherwise really did show a side of me that i liked. and i'm surprised to find myself a bit sad to see it go. this new one will do for now...and i'll try... Read More