There's been a lot of residences, sexualities, significant others, cities, people, frustrations, joys, losses, gains, jobs, and hairstyles since August 22, 2004. Much like cigarettes, I've come a long way, baby.
You may hear me say that things are the best they've been a lot, but that's only because I'm constantly... Read More
I kinda give up, obviously. The need to fill an entire blog is just too much hassle. I can't go see Prince every day. And, as impetuous as I am, I set up a twitter account about five minutes ago, and I'm imagining I'll use it regularly. Which I'm sure is a lie, but a girl has nothing if not her dreams of technology advancing... Read More
I was in the middle of the desert, at Coachella. Where I got to see Kraftwerk, MIA, Mark Ronson, and as amazing as they all were, Portishead pretty much erased them from my head. The sound that they can produce live just melted my fucking face... Read More
Why are your roomies lame? That's lame!
I'm currently addicted to Animal Crossing: Wild World. I feel like I have to play ever day or my world will fall apart.
It's sick.'s always the person you love, not so much what their crotch looks like. No one can TURN you. It's just what YOU find attractive. Given the fact that I really KNOW that guy and commit to the fact that he is the most awesome guy ever...I can see why you would fall for him
Thanks for the encouraging words. I need a bad way
So here's to new friends!
Holy shit, I'm still alive. I tired to find a youtube of the scene in Death Proof where Zoe jumps up and yells "I'm OK!" but apparently the studio is on top of that shit.
I should add: 'Be Kind, Rewind" was everything I hoped it would be. That's with it having to live up to Jables, Ford Prefect, and my very most favorite video... Read More
I was just thinking about you, like literally two minutes ago. I thought you were going to Hawaii or something? I want to get back on the west coast something fierce.
oh man . . . sorry i wasn't able to take care of you . I've spent the last 4 days on my back with a 101 temp and a never ending bottle of ice water by my side the whole time . . . HOWEVER I will be back at work on monday through thursday for my regularly scheduled , uh . . . schedule . Come see me and let's get you under control !
I've been a busy bee. A big, fuck off bee. Yesterday was the first day since my third day on the job that I didn't bring work home with me. The plus side is that it's not always after-hours work, I get to work from home a fair bit. Earning cash money in your PJs is rad, indeed. I have a new nickname at work,... Read More