It always seems like a good idea at the the time, I'm sitting around by myself, remember I've still got some of that shit left over from a couple nights ago...
...The world changes. The lights are brighter. Everything in front of me seems to blur together in some kind of colorful, beautiful mess. The future and past slam against me like waves, sounds exploding towards me at unexpected moments.
I don't want to come down, to the realization that i am still alone in this dirty basement suite. I don't have to.
Cherry and I put our heads together, really wanting to do something just really different and totally out there. Trying to portray the feeling you get from REALLY GREAT DRUGS - but also acknowledge that it isn't in reality, the most glamorous scenario - seemed like something that would be fun to capture on film, and it was - That's right, Cherry shot the set in film, because she's totally awesome.