Im having a Halloween party at my house and I decided to go as a "Suicide-Girl". Get it??!!
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TThis was my first Comic Con and I lives it! The next one I go to I want to dress up full Cosplay for sure!! Thank u to my amazing friend Jon P. For treating me to such a great day!
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DDon't know if I've ever shared with u how much if a Suzie homemaker I am!! I live to bake desserts!! And just cook in general... Here are some of the yummy things I've been making!!
i had more pics but had to make room in my phone... But I've made some Blueberry Cheesecake yum yum bites, raspberry Cheesecake cookies from Subway (at home recipe),
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Indi suicide and I passed out flyers and posters for the Blackheart Burlesque show here in Portland on Friday at the Roseland. It was so nice to meet a new SG and make a new friend here in Portland!!
We dropped off flyers at Lucky Devil Loung, Cindi's, Taboo Video, and Devils Point!
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II'm very excited for my upcoming journey to the Bay Area in October... I will be in town for 2weeks. My purpose for the trip is to attend the memorial service for my very best friend and ex-lover of mine... So this will definitely be aa journey of Sorrow and finding Serenity and strength!! I'm going to be shooting a new set or 3 for...
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OOk my friends, and fans... Well I hope I still have my fans after this long... Lol! I'm sorry once again for slacking on blogging and being active. I'm in a much enlightening head space and I'm very excited to give u a new and naughty photoshoot soon!! Once I get that one up I will have many more coming after!! I have some great...
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