Today is my birthday and I am so happy, I made this mini blog to thank Suicide Girls for allowing me to be part of this family ❤️ @missy @rambo @penny
Today is my birthday and I am so happy, I made this mini blog to thank Suicide Girls for allowing me to be part of this family ❤️ @missy @rambo @penny
Hi Family SG!
How are you? I haven't written anything in a long time, but I have so much news to tell. First of all, I want to talk about my first themed set for Suicide Girls and my second set of life hahaha Unfortunately it will enter in MR only 3 months 😿 But as today is 4/20, I thought it was good to
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Hi SG land.
I'm a little lost here because I'm so discouraged with some things and it distracted me from what is important, and along came the low self-esteem. I know I'm extremely beautiful and I don't need to feel this way, so I decided to do one blog exposing to you my photos that I love the most, that I feel most powerful and...
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Our year started and I've done so much, I have so many stories to tell you that this month will have a blog every week ... And your year? started well?
>>> ONLYFANS $3 <<<<
This is going to be the easiest blog I've ever written, because I know exactly who were the people who came into my life this year and made it a thousand times better and that helped to achieve many things I’ll be eternally grateful for.
Let's start with @codon don that has been in my life since last year, but is a friend that I...
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