I am on a flight to southern Africa for an undisclosed amount of time. Sometimes all you want is a familiar voice. Lame update.
I hope everyone had a great (US) Thanksgiving. I just finished making 13 quarts of turkey stock, and several gallons of turkey rice stew.
I'm looking at getting into alpine touring/Randonee skiing. I just picked up some Dynastar Gaia boots on a wicked black friday discount, and was wondering if anyone has any advice on skis and bindings. I used to ski about 12 years
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I tried to reply to some messages in this new layout via phone. It is a little confusing, so if I sent you a weird message. Sorry, let me know!
I heard my post office has been a pain. They were understaffed for a while, but should be better now:
PO Box 12315
Sorry about anything that was returned to sender! I...
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Instagram: rouxtonne
Chillin' at NAHBS this weekend. Anyone there?
I saw northern lights for the first time. Not the most spectacular showings, but some faint green and peach colors were enough to keep me standing outside...
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I hope to see the northern lights some day.
Having good sleep makes a big difference in life!

I have never watched Breaking Bad, truth be told...but your link is pretty funny regardless of that!
Everyone has boobs. Check 'em.
belle, how ya doin?