finished the twilight saga last night! holy fuck it was good!! im obsessed now! i never got into harry potter or anything, but a book about vampires and werewolves- im hooked!
now i gotta wait over a month for the movie!! its torture!!
sorry i didnt say this sooner, but thanks for the comment on my photo. Actually, not thanks for the comment but thanks for actually taking the time to look at my set.
"A normal man, given a group photograph of school girls, and asked to point out the loveliest one, will not necessarily choose the nymphet among them. You have to be an artist. A madman. Full of shame and melancholy and despair in order to recognize the little deadly demon among the others. She stands unrecognized by them, unconscious herself of her fantastic powers."
I cant wait for it to come out!!
Im sad yours hasnt gotten much love lately. I love your last set. it was stunning.
Ohh!! i have a great set Idea too! Ive had it for a while, but sense I may be moving up to the seattle area maybe it would be possible to complete now. You would HAVE TO be involved in it. But ill keep it as a secret for now
Thank you, lady. The bike actually needs more work done on it. I ended up messing my front tire when I thought I had fixed it. Stupid "mad" fixing skills
sweety you have a gorgeous hot body. Me nor any of my friends are into that starved waif look we want curves they make the physical stuff way more interesting besides they guide the eyes to every part of you