Hey sgland

Just wanan say sorry for dissapearing and going quiet. Ill be honest im finding this site exhausting mentally. Its taking is toll on me.

I went on a bit of a downer after Kismet went to member review. It seems that no matter what i do how much i spend picking the perfect venue or who pay to shoot my sets. They just
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I 100% agree with you @charmed I do feel like their is a lot of models getting ignored when their most active on here and more giving a shit about the community. It's the reason why I do pick regulars in my blogs. Cause of not only cause their beautiful but are good people too. I do think they need to have a better system in picking who sets should be Set Of The Day cause you & @skittlepop should be pink ages ago. Hopefully that'll change.
This is so sad and truth!!! A lot of hopeful are really frustrated about that and a lot of hopeful are thinking to stop to try because we spend time money and love for nothing!! I was really active I tried to be super present here but often I see the site reward peoples no present or maybe with only one set since years ago and this is so sad and make us to think that we are wrong or we are not as the others girls ... I really don’t know... I continue to trying to become a SG but only because is my dream since I was a children but I’m not super active or make a lot of set I can’t spend a lot of money for nothing! And plus we can’t wait 5 months for see a set out, in 5 months we change a lot or we don’t like more the set, that’s really bad! Love u babe πŸ–€

Hey sg land πŸ’—

I hope your all good, let me know what your weekend plans are :)

Also the following sets still need lots of loving πŸ’—


By @atlanticlungs


By @darkmoonmedia


Shot by @niallpatterson

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