You earned my following because you're gorgeous and obviously "gwenpool" 

I do also have a SpiderGwen cosplay, but right now, I am focusing on making a new Captain Marvel cosplay based on the costume she has on her on the statue Sideshow came out with early this year.  I also want to do an Angela cosplay (also Marvel) and possibly Hela with the headdress.  I also already have a Wasp with light up wings, and Ms Marvel (both old and new), Pink Lady Deadpool, and a latex X-Men unitard I used for a Pixie cosplay, but would work as Kitty Pryde.

Hey, I just read in one of the groups on a thread about "age difference" that you will have your 13-year anniversary as a Suicide Girl soon.  Congratulations!!!

Thank you.  It's a week from tomorrow!

Hey Sid, this is Jim. I finally joined, so I could like your photo set. I hope it helps and SG buys it. You look amazing in them 😘

Thank you!  Make sure you hit that "I loved it button" below the set so it's green, and please feel free to comment on the set as often as you'd like!  I'm happy you're finally here!

Do you have a shareable post to promote this set that I could share out on your behalf? 

I do not, but feel free to take one of the clothed or hidden nudity photos and create your own post!  I mean, all I have are a few on my twitter.  @Milloux has some on her twitter account too.  If you click the little bird icon on the top of my page, it'll take you to my twitter.  See if you can find a post that you can share.  I don't know where you were planning on promoting my set, but I can help you make an ad or something to suit your needs.

Luv ur stats page ur a beautiful person luv ur pets thats so awsome I can't live with out mind 🐺🐶🐺🐶🐺🐶🐺🐶🐺🐶🐺🐶

From ashander


Hey, just wanted to say thanks for the background/conversation on that bad convention (didn't want to hijack the thread further). They don't seem to be hurting for money so clearly their behavior hasn't cost them, but it's good to know I'm not the only one who won't work with them anymore. (Too many shows out there now to feel like you've got to work with ones you don't trust.)

I guess that may have been their goal all along?  I knew there was some sort of money making scheme behind this.
From what I've seen, that's kind of the game plan for a lot of conventions--get so big you can't manage it yourself (since they do tend to start out with just one person or a handful of people running it), prove you can make a profit, get bought out, retire. 

From ramner


Just had a question is it true it's harder to become a Suicide girl now than it used to be. I'm nervous I won't be able to pull it off. 

It is true because there are way more applicants now than ever, and there are almost 3000 girls now, and only 365 days in a year.  So don't get discouraged.  It may take some time to become a Suicide Girl.  I mean, I haven't had set bought since 2009, so I'm in the same position as you are to get sets bought!  I'm willing to be patient and hope I'll have a new set up on the front page eventually.  It's all about waiting, but having fun while doing so.
Thanks sweetie, I can't wait to do my first set. I will be happy with just becoming a hopeful quite honestly lol

From ramner


Just wanted to check in and see if you were doing well. I know you've had a rough time lately 😘

Thank you!  Believe me it's held up high right now.
Good :). It should be. You are above all those stupid people.

From ramner


Hey sid...its me pretty in marvel from Instagram. Feel free to follow me if you'd like :). No hard feelings of you don't. 

I know exactly how that is.  I don't work either, and my husband does...  Don't worry, I get it completely.
Thanks for being so understanding. All this really feels like a dream even though I'm not a suicide girl yet. I've wanted to attempt to become one for years. You have no idea how much your willingness to do a shoot for me means to me. You are truly one of the kindest people.

From outzound


They charged me for my funko spider box 3 weeks ago and it usually comes a couple days later.  We were on vaca last week and was starting to think someone ganked it from my doorstep.  Came today!  U get yours yet?  P.s.  hope ur feeling better...

I did get mine.  I believe I got it last week.  I'll admit, spidey isn't my favorite, but the plushy was cute.  I just have to make room for him because my plushy shelf will only hold 4, and since the Avengers take up that whole shelf, I've got to move the comics on the shelf next to it over elsewhere.  I have like a crap ton of picture frames I need to buy for my Langdon Foss one-of-a-kind pieces.
One cool thing I got today was a box from ThinkGeek because I had ordered a crap ton of stuff 2 weeks ago during their sale, and then I found they had an exclusive TG-only SpiderGwen dress, and I am so obsessed with cute comic dresses, especially if they have hoods, so of course I got it!  I may need to take it in slightly because I keep losing weight. 😕 I only wanted to lose like 10lbs, to be an even 100 because the less weight my body carries, the less my joints dislocate, plus I had gained like 30 lbs in 2 months due to my medications.  So now I'm like 88 lbs because I've been laid up in my bed for the better part of a week and haven't been able to eat too much due to the pain.  But I am feeling better now! 🙂

Hey there hunni. Just wanted to stop by your page and tell you that I love your pics and sets. You are really sexy. ❤️😘❤️😘❤️😘❤️

From outzound


As I noticed ur a huge Marvel fan, I'm assuming you are enrolled in the Marvel Collector Corps.  If not, I have a Cap'n Marvel Patch from my most recent box "Women of Power" that I have no use for...  Got the Squirrel Girl PoP, gave it to my daughter cuz it's her fave superhero, saw u had nearly the same, so assumed u got the same box.  Lemme know. 😃

No problem.  I kept bugging Collector Corps on it until they told me they were working on it.  Haha.  I'm sure other people were too.  But my friend caught it as soon as it happened, and directed me to buy my HulkBuster now. I can't find a fitting place to put him.  I've got a complete full shelf with my Avengers stuff, and that one doesn't expand.  I think I need to move my SideShow IronMan off that shelf and put it with the other statues.  I just had him side by side with my Wolverine that is worth more than my car, probably.  Haha, especially since it's a promo piece, and they only made 3000.  So basically, mine is better than piece number 1! :P

From soultry


I read your post in slutshaming and I can't believe your still being bullied by a high school ass hole! That woman is really pathetic! I had a similar situation with a college girl who was dating my children's father who is 45!! I'm a gogo dancer and she would find pictures of me working and post on Facebook and then send them to me, calling me a whore and every terrible thing imaginable. I never responded to her and sent everything to my lawyer 😏 God that made her so mad! Bur your right! Let all that shit roll off your back! He dumped her of course and my lawyer took care of the harassment. He's dating another college girl now, so here we go...lol 

From myzaree


I just wanted to say I hope you have a better day today. I caught one of your streams live but replayed the others this morning. Made me really sad =( sorry you had so many people being hurtful and disrespectful.

I agree with @myzaree.... it sucked to see so many yucky people on your periscopes yesterday.  You're a doll and you didn't deserve that.  I also hope things get better for you soon and I hope your stomach is feeling better.  

From lasiren


Just wanted to let you know you are one of my absolute favorites, I wanna meet you some day!!