The Count Of Monte Cristo. Idk if you've ever seen it, but in short the main character gets betrayed by three people. Framed and sent to prison, he eventually escapes with a treasure map. After spending 13 years away from home, he returns as a count and plots his revenge, slowly studying each adversary.
The Ice Harvest, if you like your comedy blacker than black.

i've decided to quit drinking. everybody who knows me IRL or even watches my Instagram stories knows i like to drink, and when i drink i never know when to stop.

if you are a person who can drink socially, have one or two then stop - you probably don't understand the weird mindset i have. my mum has always said to me 'you don't...
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I was at a similar crossroads recently. Actually, similar isn’t even remotely correct; I was the *exact* same. Right down to the not being addicted to it. Granted, I have a love of craft beer, and I always like to enjoy one or two when I get home from work; that said, it’s when I’m out in public with friends, I’ll put away four or even five pints sometimes, and then still have another one or two when I get home. Then in the morning I’d look to see that I was up until 3 or 4 am texting or randomly calling people. Yeah, I’m that kind of drunk when I’ve passed a certain point. And that point was starting to be reached with a little more regularity than I’m comfortable admitting, but at some point—like you—I got tired of feeling like shit half the day, or internalizing the embarrassment of realizing that, once again, I lost control. So I’m drying out. Maybe soon I can go back and enjoy a pint or two with my friends, because it’s never really been about the alcohol for me, but the beers. But until I’m comfortable with being able to discipline myself to it, I’m just staying away from it for the time being. I’m proud of you. Hopefully, I can start to be proud of me too.
@hewn i'm proud of you already.