i did it! i got a job! now i can actually go out and do things other than using my typewriter&writing letters(cheap entertainment). im considering moving to new orleans, any SGs down there? its a lot cheaper, a lot tougher, & a lot more laid back. what about a SG US tour? photos of nights spent out with SGs in each big city. thanks zona,...
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i did it! i got a job! now i can actually go out and do things other than using my typewriter&writing letters(cheap entertainment). im considering moving to new orleans, any SGs down there? its a lot cheaper, a lot tougher, & a lot more laid back. what about a SG US tour? photos of nights spent out with SGs in each big city. thanks zona,...
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hi everyone. still here in SF. it's been rough times down here...friend's houses burning down, no love from the job scene...halloween was pretty great though. rode bikes to the cat club and proceeded to take the dance floor by storm with about 6 other people-everyone was lovin one another. if you go there tip my girls camille & danielle well-they deserve it.
any SG events...
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any SG events...
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there might be something happening very soon. bailey is coming to visit, and we might head to the zeitgeist or something to get drinks.
let us know if you are interested. im sure donkey or tuffy will be done for something. i have been preoccupied.
let us know if you are interested. im sure donkey or tuffy will be done for something. i have been preoccupied.
nice ot see you post again, hope the stress level decreases. hnging with the SGSF crew is probably a good recipe for relaxation and fun
-but beware the donkey.
-but beware the donkey.
i'm sitting with my friends in portland, they're a little shy about seeing me naked on the internet-although some of them were witness to the live show during an intense match of strip poker. i had to come back to pdx for just a little bit, i miss all the cute punk girls and my sweet, sweet friends. i can't seem to find a job...
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The lusty lady is easy to get a job at, but is really scummy. It's just whack off stalls and the girls always look fairly bored, but I hear it's a good starting point if you haven't got experience stripping. Let me know if you come to SF, I'll show you around.
Unfortunately, dancing in SF isn't like Portland. It's either the Lusty Lady or lots of lap dance work.
hi everyone...sorry iwas gone for so long. i had to run away from portland for a little while and check out san francisco. so here i am three weeks later living here. it's a nice change to be in a big city, even if psychos with bloody mouths chase me down the street. i haven't been around a computer in a long time so i...
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Hey thats where I am now!
so wait you're in SF now? I sure hope I run into you. You should meet Lola, she's even more kickass in person. The whole SFSG crew is just plain awesome. Glad to have you! If in fact this is where you are, hehe.
yeah fourth of july...what's everyone doing to celebrate the illusion of freedom? i always forget that it's a holiday until everyone starts talking about the parties their going to have-essentially taking part in celebration of traditions they don't believe in...i guess any excuse to get wasted right? woooo!!! jonny x is playing at fast forward tonight if any wants a speed metal independence day. my...
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i know this is kind of weird, but i am pretty sure you waited on me and my boyfirend and his sexy/evil older brother in pdx. the older brother was being charming to you and everytime you left the table i relaxed because you are so beautiful that it was kind of difficult to have you nearby. i'm sure you don't remember me, but i rememberyou, because i remember thinking you'd be a good SG, and wondering if you'd ever end up on SG. so hi. here you are.
awww where are you? =(
hi kids...it's been a while. always crazy shit going on in my life. i've been having quite a bit of philosophical struggle...(intelligence&self edification, biggest turn on) any jobs out there that don't conflict with political stand points? i haven't found any. it think i need to grab a couple of my good lady friends, steal a car, and drive away from here for a little...
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well... it depends on what kind of job you want and are looking for... i imagine our politics are somewhat similiar, your favorite book being ishmael and all. (have you read after dachau? i wasn't as impressed but i'm curious about what you thought after reading ishmael) i gave up and ran away to farm in hawaii. but i'm about to reenter the mainland and i'm on that same struggle of finding ethical work. try www.idealist.org or accessjobs.org ... for starters. or working with kids doing pretty much anything....
but like i said, i ran away to the islands so *shrug*
but like i said, i ran away to the islands so *shrug*
i'll steal a car and listen to cat power, etc with you! woo hoo! good book suggestion: "the brush of anguish" by zamora about frida kahlo. or "the house on mango street" by sandra cisneros
hey everyone. i guess my first entry got lost, so yeah... thanks to those who gave me the warm welcome and votes of confidence! i don't have a real job right now, so i spent all this week devoting my time to some of the loveliest ladies in portland-caught in a rain storm at the gorge, sandy river, late nights at council crest...quality time with...
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It was cool to meet you too and if you ever wanna hang out then email me!!!
wow i'm going to be modeling for that fashion show. cooooool. say hi if you see me i know we have friends in common or something.
New girl added!
p.s. email me.
tami h.
(of borthwick residence)