Geez. I logged onto the site just to say I got a new book called Cyclonopedia, and got stuck redoing my profile. Been a long time since I took a look at it. I thought I took myself far too seriously back then.
Cyclonopedia is probably the most experimental novel you'll read this year. I've only gone through the first couple of chapters, and man... Read More
Wow! My site here has been dead for years, dear me. What happened was I tried to make some new sets 3 years ago while I was with my ex, and he's an awesome photographer, but he did everything quite slowly and painfully, which isn't a good idea if you are trying to generate an SG set of about 100 +++ photos to be whittled... Read More
hope you post again someday. Just discovered you through a list of Asian SGs someone in the Asian group compiled. I checked out 2 and they were gone. Now you! Come back!
I'm so sorry I have not been blogging and I have not had a set in nearly 1.5 years now. Trust me, I feel really guilty about it, but 3 rejected sets in a row don't do much for my desire to try again so soon. I am looking for a new photographer, so. My boyfriend is good, but he can't generate tons... Read More
I used to read all your blogs - though I wasn't much for commenting - I see you've got a lot of friends only posts though now, are you accepting friends requests?
I dreamt about a very beautiful boy that I used to know when I was a child (I haven't seen him since I was 10). He was quite tall and lean in the dream, and got tricked into having "I'm a drunk, I'm a loser, I want to rape you, I want to fuck you" tattooed across his torso He was also very good at... Read More
Very tripazoidal dream, filled with some very meaningful imagery. I am tempted to offer interpetation, but I won't, except to say this... that even in the midst of revulsion you can express compassion, even if it is just a dream. Hmmm...
I wish Richard an upswing in his buisness... buisness is prone to cycles of vacilation. I hope his looks up soon.
As far as the state goes... I think it is the function of any government or societal entity to complicate the simple, through interference & intrusion. Good luck with all that, 'cause governments are under the impression that it is their right, nay their duty... to fuck with our lives.
This is Singapore - it's the government's business to interfere in everyone's personal affairs!
You've described your dream beautifully. It made me a little sad to read it. I found myself relating to the guy. A lot of people I know seem to be posting about strange dreams these days.
It's funny... you & I come from very different perspectives, yet arrive at similar conclusions. For the record, I'm into an obscure school of Taoist Mysticism. In this view the supreme state of being is not a god, a person or an identifyable entity... call it the collective conciousness of the universe, not an entirely accurate summation of my view but will suffice for this commentary. This said... I believe that spirituality is simply cultivating a relationship with life. Kept in this perspective, reverance & meditation can culitvate an appreciation for life, it's extremely wonderful processes, & help us discover meaning & beauty in this wonderful playground we call life. However when ideas become institutionalized & pronounced as "truth", this is where our problems arise. Religion is like politics... it's about power, dominance & monopoly... & woe unto those who dare an original or independant thought. Now while Eastern Faiths (for the most part) are more celebrant of diverse views & regard all spiritual paths (or even atheistic views) as viable, the Abrahamic Religions have throughout history committed heinous crimes against humanity in order to force all into submission or aquiesence to their particular views.
But what I think is ironic... is that religion is supposed to teach us compasion & respect. Yet most of the advances in human freedom come from secular sources. Woman's rights, childrens rights, racial equality & animal welfare have usually been championed by secularists or religious renegades. But the religious institutions have always stood in the way of this progress, often using (or misusing)their doctines to enforce inequality & oppression. Further, it is my impression that these institutions create environments of poverty & dispair in order for them to display "compassion" for the unfortunate. If there were no poverty & hunger, how could they have an opportunity to display their compassion?
If I were tempted to endorse one true religion, it would be sex. Whoever doesn't believe that, simply isn't doing it right. Archeology shows that sex is both the first act & object of worship. It cultivates bonding & tenderness, an intuitional communion with our partner(s) & can take us to heights of ecstacy that is considered the religious experience. It opens us to naked experience & exploration, encouraging a childlike spirit of play. But you see, sex is the path of direct experience & is as natural as breathing, which is why it scares religion so much. If we can access this experience, this ecstasy independently... well then what use is religion, what use are clergy? If we all find our connection with life on our own, then all these proffessional religious "leaders" will have to get real jobs... instead of making a living bilking ignorant believers out of their hard earned money in a pathetic attempt to buy that stairway to heaven.
I was talking to a girl in iran a few months ago, and she was saying that the Majority of those who claim to be Muslim are not while a few small tribes do adhere to the islamic belief. such as the Zoroastrians. which is scary! Just like Christianity, those who claim to be christian may only be in name never in deed but those who claim nothing but there belief and faith are more so to believe if not furtively.
Previous Fallacies on Art and Religion and Science
July 14th, 2006
Oh God. Ive been invited to go onto channel U for some teens and sex talk show, AGAIN. Dont these people get it? Dont they get how ignorant and supid it all is. You cant just generalize all people under 20 to be teenagers with similar levels of maturity, and you cant just generalize... Read More
I personally think that the fact that you have "slept with so many people" would lend you more credibility discussing sexuality. But most people tend to be rather timid about actual explorations of their sexuality. I teach yoga & meditation... & give sexual counseling through that practice. But I tend to avoid being too public in order to avoid various types of harrassment... especially as our sessions involve social nudity.
I commend you for being willing to put yourself out there so publicly... from past entries I'm of the impression you do this in order to be an influence for change & growth in your society. But you have been misquoted, had phrases edited out of context & publicly denegrated... is it worth it? How do the potential benefits wiegh against consequences of public purtiritanical scrutiny? Is there another way... a way you can be a discreet influnce in your culture & still remain true to your nature... live the life of your choosing, free from harrassment?
What religion & science have in common is that they are both human attempts to decipher Life's mysteries... science through experimentation, religion through myth. Religion is less about exploring the nature of spirituality, but more an indicator as to the evolution (or lack of same) of human thought & culture. What I find interesting is that Christianity's attempts to repress the works of Coperincus, Galileo & DaVinci etc... were to enforce views based not on Biblical Canon, but on the teachings of Aristotle (a pagan) & his cosmological views (which were completely wrong by the way). While science (in general) seeks to gather new knowledge to expand on current understandings... religion (again in general) simply seeks to reaffirm it's already preconceive conclusions, disregarding & sometimes viciously repressing all that contradicts established dogma.
But one of the great failings of science had been its attempts to reduce the universe to discernable immutable laws as demonstrated by the works of Newton... this tendancy was remedied with the advent of Quantum Physics. QP recognizes that we can only interpet probabilities & possibilies & that the results to our inquiries are conditioned by our relative perspective & intent. I love the works of Einstein & I am intrigued with the current developements in String Theory... what is inherent in both is the awe & wonder in the intricate & magestic workings of the universe (or omniverse). Einstein was in as much in awe of his own ability to explore the Quantum Universe as he was the Universe itself. He was like a child frolicing in the "quantum playground"... a playground filled with infinite possibilities!
Im currently reading two books, The End of Faith by Sam Harris, a very refreshing mix of philosophy, neuroscience and good old common sense. Its about how peoples brains are wired such that it is possible for them to deny the very obvious -that they will die- ,and convince themselves of the rationally implausible (eternal life, reincarnation, whatever). He also goes on to... Read More
I have come to discover that religious doctrines are based on the fear of death, fear of life, the fear of feeling & are propagated by people who desire control. It has been my experience that religious fantics are the most souless, sterile, frightened & emotionally destitute people one could have the misfortune to meet.
I would assert that there may very well be a principle of universal truth, but that there is no actual truth that can be accessed by the human mind. I would also assert that religious doctrines are based not on truth, but on personal & cultural biases & preducices. One of the most amusing of these "truths" is the belief that humans are the center & purpose of "creation". How could a bunch of frightened monkeys, on the a backwater planet on the outer rim of of one of billions of galaxies, possibly the darlings of the divine.
However... I would also assert that there is indeed a spiritual nature to life but that the exploration of this nature is best left within the realms of intuition & personal experience. My tradition states... "If you try to hold it or try to conceptualize it... you lose it." To me spirituality is the exploration of ourselves & our relationship with life. But the moment we we try to hold a fixed idea of what that's about, we lose the experience of it. Life is bigger than we are & our ability to analyze. I also consider spirituality a life process... not preparation for death. What lay beyond is unknowable... & irrelavent. Life is now!
Finally... the biggest problem with the question of religion is it's tendancy to divorce spirituality from biology & from sexuality. To be blunt... this has far more to do with control & oppression than enlightenment. Religion is politics... pure & simple. I they can control peoples' sexuality they control their lives, their thoughts & enforce conformity. They can collect taxes (or tithing), tell people how to live, what to honor... & convince them to send their children to kill & die in stupid, pointless wars.