Whats Caged Ink you ask?:
(taken from the site cagedink.com)
This is going to be the most extreme event ever to hit Southern California. Caged Ink will consist of something that has never been brought together under one roof. Its a Tattoo Expo with Extreme sports such as FMX, BMX, Skating, Paintballing,... Read More
So I think I officially lost my digital camera
It's been m.i.a. for a week or so now. I am aware of the 'lost status' due to the fact that I was going to charge it and post a Vlog on here for you guys. It was an antique anyways, around 4 years old. However, I try not to look at is... Read More
You probably don't remember me, but back on one of my old myspace pages I had you as a friend,
and i use to talk to you from time to time. And it's funny cause either you live in the same city
as I. Or one of the cities near by cause I saw you a the terra vista movies once. But you didn't look to
happy at the time. haha.
It's been a sure-fire mexican minute since I have updated my blog. I sincerely appologize about that you guys.
I know I have been laying low from the site for a minute. Just taking time for myself and adjusting to life and dealing with the usual things that are thrown into the melting pot.
I was just thinking today how I really need to... Read More
I've gone through a lot of personal stuggles that have helped me become the self-confident woman that I am today. This personal discovery of unveiling who I truely am is something I pride myself on. I feel like I'm wasting my time and yours by (in a) way "boasting" about this because It's something that shouldn't have to be said. I no longer find myself... Read More
Don't feel like your wasting anyone's time.
It is nice to not only have accomplished these things but to acknowledge that you have accomplished something amazing ^_^
It's one of the most noblest of ideas tp treat others as we want to be treated, unfortunately it is not one that is universally practiced.
Congrats to you though, and do not allow others to tear you down, especially if its negativity being spewed from those you do not love.
So i'm really sad to report that i will be taking a break from this whole SG thing. At this point in my life i really need to focus on more important things such as school and my career. I hate to think that i wont be around to see my set go live, however, i really dont think that will be happeneing... Read More
I really have nothing new to report other then:
- I'm still single, and loving it!!
- I recently gave up exsesive drinking (which means i have one or two cocktails a WEEK!)
- Work is slow cuz the economy sucks
- Warped tour last friday was insane (Hanging w/ pron stars, meeting Reel Big Fish and not... Read More
You sound a lot like me. When I am with my friends its with them and their boyfriends/husbands/dudes they are dating. Sucks being the single girl all the time.