Wow anyone see the new movie The Grudge, if you think it looks cheesy your wrong, its the creepiest movie I've seen in a long time. Now its definately not gory, but I'm not into gore movies I'm sure though alot of people on this site are. To me the moives without all the fake blood and guts, the ones that are just real eerie,...
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This is the second time I've gotten an update note! I'm soooo bad at updating my journal, but then again I am one busy girl. So I'm really think hard on names, the only one I have is Blue which I've always actually wanted to change my name to, so I really love that name but I don't know if I want to use it...
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i think Jemima is quite nice for a girl and James for a boy
preggnant and punk might not be the best combination but im sure you could prop up the bar with some fruit juices or something
just an idea
hugs & kisses
preggnant and punk might not be the best combination but im sure you could prop up the bar with some fruit juices or something

hugs & kisses

When I was in high school I heard the Smashing Pumpkins song Blue and thought it was the perfect girl's name. Then my friend said that it could be a bad idea because it's "lurid". What?
One girl's name I have always liked was Nixie. It's an Irish name that means "water sprite".
One girl's name I have always liked was Nixie. It's an Irish name that means "water sprite".

Wow I'm still floating on a cloud with the good news we just recieved from the doctor the other day. We went in for our 20 week ultrasound appointment last week, to see if everything was alright and possibly find out the gender. I was such a nervous wreck, but we were told we have a healthy baby girl, seeing her move around and kick...
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cool a iccle baby ryder on the way, congrats!
and keepin up with school work to,
you go girl 

and keepin up with school work to,

yay! ryder's gonnna be a yummy mummy!
to the first of the second generation SGs? only time will tell...
you HAVE to do an 8 month shoot
congratulations again
to the first of the second generation SGs? only time will tell...
you HAVE to do an 8 month shoot
congratulations again

I just checked in yesterday to see my comments for my last entry, and was completely shocked to see my set had finially gone up. I haven't seen those pictures since we took them, and my body is definately not looking like that right now, I'm not far too tiny anywere right now! But I couldn't be happier, I absolutely am loving my pregnant body,...
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an 8 month shoot would be waaaaaaaaaaaay cool and slightly kinky in the healthiest of ways!
bring it on, you soon-to-be sexy mamma!
an 8 month shoot would be waaaaaaaaaaaay cool and slightly kinky in the healthiest of ways!
bring it on, you soon-to-be sexy mamma!


yer the best babe!

Schools over, so for a couple of weeks I get to actually breathe, than back to homework hell. This is the last quarter I'm doing though than after I'm taking two off to have the baby and just be a stay at home mom, I can't wait. I will finish school, I have to I promised myself I would, but I have to take some...
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good luck with all things baby related.
hey, if you were pregnant when you did the shoot (just?) and its a girl, will that make her the youngest sg ever?
and if so, does she get lifetime free automatic membership?
see yah
hey, if you were pregnant when you did the shoot (just?) and its a girl, will that make her the youngest sg ever?
and if so, does she get lifetime free automatic membership?
see yah

I wish you and your baby the very best. And I must say that your set is the sexiest thing I've ever seen. You are absolutely beautiful. So, here's to you and yours, my little tribute to a Punk Rock Goddess:

Well since I only do an entry like once a month I better make this good right! well lets see I went to The Cure concert in SF at SBC park, honestly it wasn't as great as I was expecting, I guess mostly because concerts really aren't the best environment for pregnant girls. It seemed like every damn person was smoking around me, also the...
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What part of Ca do you live in?
Good luck with your baby. Make sure it read to it all the time! Babies that get to grow up with doggies are lucky, especially pit bulls because they're the best ever
You should feed your dog raw or at least Wellness brand.

You should feed your dog raw or at least Wellness brand.
I swear I'm so exhausted today, it's already afternoon, and I just got up, thats horrible, I'm sooo lazy! Anyways, out in the city I've been seeing some charged out punks lately, I mean real punks not clean cut plug wereing, perfect tatoos, Good Charlotte style punks. I saw this one chick with her head all shaved, decked out in gear, carrying her life in...
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If they're gonna do a 'pregnant' set - I vote its of you!
sweetie, I miss you... read my journal entry and gimme some love...
sweetie, I miss you... read my journal entry and gimme some love...

Well since I only do an entry like once a month I better make this good right! well lets see I went to The Cure concert in SF at SBC park, honestly it wasn't as great as I was expecting, I guess mostly because concerts really aren't the best environment for pregnant girls. It seemed like every damn person was smoking around me, also the concert went on from 5:00 to 11:00pm, and we stupidly got there right at 5:00, so it ws just tooo long for me. I really was unaware of the other bands playing, I wasn't that impressed by any of them anyways. Seeing The Cure did make it worth it though, they played alot of their new stuff, but at the end they did an encore of all my favorites, Closer, Lovecats, Why Can't I be you, and a couple others, so that was definately the best part. Oh yeah we just adopted a little puppy, he's a pitbull and he's completely white, he's the cutest thing. We haven't named him yet but we're working on it. In baby news I'm just now four months, I'm starting to get a belly, and not fitting in most of my clothes! I'm looking forward to felling the baby move, and soon even finding out what were having, I'll keep you all updated.
Wow, 10 comments for my last journal entry, you guys must really love me. Thanx so much for everyone who wished me a happy birthday, it meant alot to me. It was an alright day, altough I was at school all day, but when I got home my husband took me out to dinner, which was wonderful. Then I came home to a little suprise...
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yay for surpise parties!!
spending the day with people you love is definetly the best way to do it.

I know it's about damn time I made a new journal entry! There's just been so much going on im my life, I started back school three weeks ago, and my classes are so hard, I'm doing homework every second of the day. Oh and I'm also throwing up every other second, did anyone else feel this crappy during the first months? I really appreciate...
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hi. i just saw you on the limbo girls page...and i think yr hair is the cutest! i'm really looking forward to yr set going up too!
and i just missed yr b-day, so happy belated birthday!
and i just read yr previous journal, congrats on the pregnancy!

and i just missed yr b-day, so happy belated birthday!
and i just read yr previous journal, congrats on the pregnancy!

happy birthday yesterday

Well just like an unexpected storm, my life has changed drasticly in one week. I found out I'm pregnant, which I had started to suspect when I was waking up sick as hell. I've been going over so many things in my head, it's weird last time I wanted this so bad, but now I have so much going on. I mean I only just...
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i found myself in your situation not so long ago. now my little one is 13 month old, and my husband and i couldn't be happier. my thoughts and prayers are with you.

i think you should have some preg pics up...i think it would be fucking sexy. i bet you look stunning. congrats on being a mom soon.
I kept making that creepy sound the dead girl made, after I saw the movie... to the amusement (or annoyance) of my ex-g/f.