I swear I still exist here, somewhere...
Things are crazy.. fun, but crazy... and usually pretty drunk, yes they are.
And now?
hope you post again, love to hear how things are going
Oh hey, it's been awhile!

Hrm hrm what is new... well, for one, I'm almost done my first tattoo.. which is a sleeve! I don't like to do things part way, heh.

The 26th brings me to Montreal to see Adam Beyer, weee! Later that weekend the plan is to head to Stereo.

Tomorrow I will get up at 6, head to the gym. I'd...
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My first tattoo was my entire back. I was 17 and all of the kids I was in school with were getting dinky little tamanian devils and crap like that.

Fuck! Adam Beyer kills it! He's so amazing. I notice almost every time I check your journal you're going to see one of my favorite DJs. There is almost no techno scene in NYC believe it or not. Our former mayor fucked things up for club owners and that basically put the squash on any fun times here.

If you'ld be interested I'd love to send you some of my DJ sets on cd. I'm sure that you'ld be well into the types of tracks I play. Drop me line.
Woo, I have to update more...

About my health, all is well... it's a long story but I'm out of danger smile

Work is insane. It always gets this way right before and after a release... last minute features and bugs before and fixing all the problems that snuck in after. ;P We;ve really got to rethink the way we;ve been working lately.

I just started...
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Okay neighbors from the North. In one week I'm travelling to Dorset, specifically Lake Kawagama for days on end of mountain biking. What else is there to do? If nothing, I'll just keep pedaling.
"More Vegan" -- LOL

Well that was a big disaster.
Amazingly, though, 6 days after a grand mal seizure I'm pretty much back to normal. With, of course, the residual need to find out exactly why it happened - I have a pretty good idea and for the most part I can prevent it from happening again, but the fact remains that I have freakishly high blood pressure, which...
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glad you're feeling better. do what ever it take to get the blood pressure under control, yesterday. people rarely feel side effect of high blood pressure till one day you wake up and your kidneys are shot. I speak from experience, dialysis sucks ass
I am not a doctor so don't take my advice as the gospil, but seizures are a serious thing not to jack with. It is not nessary related to how you care for your health but more a neurological reaction. Sometimes this kick at any age and can be triggered from just crazy brain working. I would recommend seeing a Neurologist to get fully checked out.

I suspect you went into a seizure, and if in a public place they rushed you to ER. If so the common response can be blood pressure. Reallity they are not specialists and are generalists and only provide possibilities.

I have someone close that started having seizures at 26, ever since she has been on seizure free medication and is free of seizures now for 6 years. She was also pretty healthy, we worked out every day, lots of water and kept clear of fast or fried foods.

I don't want to freak you out, but good eating and great exercise may not do the trick.

Only wishing you the best of health. Any ? feel free to ask away
Wee, this weekend is COMA in Montreal! Industrial isn't my favourite type of music, but I like some of it, and one good example is Iszoloscope, who will be playing. Some friends and I booked a semi fancy hotel and everything.. I usually stay with friends when I go to MTL, but this will be a nice change.

Project Weight Train is going well....
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What DownNeck said. Also, monster.com has some pretty reliable salary data too... not sure if it covers Canada, though. You're damn smart... I don't think you'll have trouble getting a job you like that pays well. Programming is like playing the guitar... it's easy to do, but hard to do well.

[Edited on May 12, 2006 9:39PM]
See, I started as the 9-5 Mon-Fri office code jammer and have moved to the 4 days a month over-paid contractor tongue I worked my ass off in my old job and felt after three years I'd had enough. So I went contract with the intention of pursuing a few thing myself and still having money to live off, and I'm still doing it a year and a bit later. I make more money, do way less and have time to work on my cars, house, friends, family, all the important stuff. I guess I figured out its work to live, not live to work! tongue smile
I've largely ignored this journal.. especially lately. I've decided to change that, this time for real ;P Also, I'm going to actually start readng my friend's journals. This did, however, necessitate a little list cleanup... I kept only those I know in person, met in person, or have gotten to know on here. I might decide to remove the second category too.. not sure yet....
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those colors sound great. smile glad to see that you are going to post more.
I think IKEA stuff is cool, it's not all crap - and it's not too far away!
Sooo.... I'm done University. Wee! I kind of miss it... I'll likely not see such a variety of new things in work places. I can play at home, I suppose, but without the free equipment that work/school tends to provide, and without a prof to kick my butt into actually getting into it rather than blowing time on the internets.

I really should commit to...
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If you work a 9-5, then yeah thats how it is. Get home from work, eat, be tired and want to relax, then sleep and repeat!! eeek The weekends are never long enough, even without a job. That's why after 3 and a half years of it I quit and set up my own contracting/consultancy company. Now I work a few days a month for more money than I used to make working continuously, and over a year in I've had no problems in having enough work to pay the bills and have fun. No i have time to relax, work on my house and cars, do things I enjoy and go on tour with the band whenever suits. smile
I just have to stop by here once in a while and remind you that you are still my favorite girl. I don't why exactly. I guess I'll just have to live with it. And I've seen every set. Maybe it's the H.G. Wells, or the David Bowie or that your bday is the day before mine. I'll write a computer program to do the computations and get back to you.
One presentation down, one more to go, two ~20 page papers,and three exams.. then I'm freee! The big free, too, and one comp sci degree richer. I'm somewhat concerned that I havn't been given a formal job offer for my contract in january.. (software dev at a neat lil company biggrin ).. though they did invite me to the christmas party, so I'm attributing it to...
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quite honestly it felt like shit when i found out what i had done. i felt worse realizing that the people i was visiting didn't think it was an issue. in the former soviet union religeous morals were quashed by an athiestic regime. also women are not equal to men. girls are taught that the way to success in life is by finding the right man to take care of them. girls over there don't have the career or educational opportunities that american girls do.

this fourteen year old girl had all the signals down. poise, posture, clothing and body language. she also took better care grooming herself than most american girls. i had no clue.

i am not trying to say that what i did was excusable. i brought up this topic to highlight mistakes. i repeat: i felt low. like i unknowingly proved the truth of the bad reputation american tourists have overseas.

i got defensive because it hurt to read your response. i respect you more than most on this group.
Just thought you should know...(no harm being said here) I eat locally made honey, it helps with my allergies. Since the bees use the native pollen, it helps me build up resistance to allergens.

Plus I support a local business man.
Maybe I should update more.
But seriously, you don't want to know what I've been up to lately. It involves a lot of machine learning.. which is exciting to me but I'm starting to think it's boring to tears for everyone else. From, you know, my friends' reactions to all my bla bla bla. wink

I did see Richie Hawtin in Montreal a few weeks ago....
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Hey there,
Got yer little smiley face, so I had to check you out. WOAH! You are one lovely little lady! Really liked the Cool Down, and Rollerskate sets! And I hear that you're not just a pretty face, but got the grey matter workin' upstairs too.
A little Twwly bird told me that stuff.

Also intrigued by your music tastes. Lots I can relate to there. Nobukazu Takemura is also a fave of mine, and your maybe the only other person I've seen that knows.

Keep up the good work, and congrats on finishing your...uh..machine learnin'.
Richie Hawtin is my favorite DJ ever. I've seen him 4 or 5 times, and it's always a kick in the ass.
Anyone fluent in Chinese care to help me for 10 seconds?

I have a little translating to do... or rather, just making sure I'm getting the meanings from the context correctly.

From here.

page 7 - exact translations of the english pieces to the left, I think, but which go with which?

page 14 and 17 - exact translations to the given words/senses?

Thanks smile smile
You don't update enough!! tongue smile
i think you need to update this little jobbie!

how the hell are you?
how's your foot?